/ / Aloe extract - properties and applications

Aloe extract - properties and application

Aloe vera tree, reaching in the tropicsten-meter height, in the conditions of our apartments turned into a home flower, known in everyday life as an age-old. Its leaves are used for the preparation of medicinal forms: juice, ointments, tablets, etc. The most popular extract is aloe tree. Its action is based on the plant's ability to produce special substances called academician Filatov's biogenic stimulants. They are formed in the leaves of aloe, if they are placed in unfavorable conditions for the plant. Usually for this purpose a dark place with a temperature of about 3 degrees of heat is used. At home, it can be an ordinary household refrigerator. The process of such preparation of raw materials is called biostimulation.

Cutting the leaves of aloe, they are kept in such conditions infor 25 days. As a result of the inclusion of adaptation mechanisms, biogenic stimulators are formed in them - substances that can enhance metabolic processes and tissue healing. Aqueous extract of aloe is used for oral and injections. It is prepared by the pharmaceutical industry. The form of release - small, for 100 ml, bottles for reception inside and ampoules on 1 ml for injections.

More often, aloe extract liquid is given in the forminjections. Indications for use are diseases that require the acceleration of tissue regeneration, resorption of scars, and improvement of tissue metabolism. These can be eye diseases, such as keratitis, blepharitis, progressive myopia, conjunctivitis, myopic chorioretinitis, vitreous opacity, and others. Effective is an extract of aloe in gastric ulcer, bronchial asthma, pneumonia in the resorption stage, ulcer of the duodenum.

He is prescribed courses, daily 1 ml under the skin(for children it is prescribed in dosages according to age). The duration of the course can be from 20 to 50 days. Taking the extract inside is indicated for the same diseases. He is drunk on a teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 30-45 days. In a year you can spend up to three courses.

Contraindications for the extract are acute gastric and intestinal disorders, pregnancy, severe heart disease, hypertension, severe kidney disease.

In addition to the extract, in folk medicine externally andAloe vera juice is widely used. Contraindications for its external use are absent. It is used in the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns, to rinse the mouth, instill into the nose. It has a good effect in the treatment of radiation dermatitis, is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

The therapeutic properties of this substance are associated withpresence of anthraglikozids, essential oils, vitamins and enzymes in it. If the aloe was subjected to biostimulation prior to the preparation of the juice, the juice has the properties of a biogenic stimulant, like an aloe extract of industrial manufacture. The pharmaceutical industry releases the juice of this plant, adding a small amount of alcohol to it. It is used for gastritis and chronic colitis.

Inside, aloe in the form of fresh juice is taken with chronic hypoacid gastritis, with constipation, poor appetite, as well as for general strengthening and enhancing the body's resistance.

Contraindications for oral administration areuterine and hemorrhoidal hemorrhages. This is due to the fact that the antraglikozids included in the juice cause a rush of blood to the abdominal organs and can provoke bleeding. When taking aloe juice in a large dose or with prolonged use, peristalsis can be suppressed, and inflammation of the intestine develops.

Aloe preparations are currently prescribed very often. The biostimulator obtained from it gave a whole new direction for its application. Use it to your health!

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