/ / Why little sperm? How to determine the amount and rate?

Why little sperm? How to determine the amount and rate?

In medicine, such cases, when the sexual act ofmen are allocated a small amount of sperm, called oligo- or hyperspermia. Such a deviation from the norm does not bring male health harm, but causes serious psychological discomfort. Let's try to understand why a lot of sperm is released from many men, what can it lead to. A small number of spermatozoa will become a serious obstacle for those couples who decided to have children.

why little sperm

Male hyperspermia

In the event that a man realizes that he hasthere were problems, trying to understand why there was less sperm, a specialist consultation is needed. Not always a similar phenomenon is associated with oligospermia, the cause may be severe stress, physical malaise. When isolating sperm in the period of ejaculation in a volume of up to 2 ml, you need to sound an alarm. It is possible to assess the sperm level at home by using a conventional beaker, syringe, condom. On the basis of the data obtained, we can further discuss why little sperm is, how to solve the problem. It is not necessary to panic, but such violations are a direct signal of problems in the body. If they are not addressed in time, the consequences can be serious.

why a man does not have enough sperm

What are the reasons for reducing the volume of sperm

Physicians identify a lot of reasons why little sperm is allocated or not at all. Among the common problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the prostate (prostatitis);
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicle (vesiculitis).


The movement of spermatozoa occurs in a medium,consisting of the secretion of the prostate and the fluid secreted by the seminal vesicle. When inflammation occurs, slow sclerosis of the bladder and prostate tissues occurs. In the end, the conclusion is difficult, which is why little semen comes out.

why little sperm is allocated

Chronic diseases

Background and chronic diseases can be negativeto reflect on "man's power". After traumas of the spine, penis, infections, spinal cord diseases, inflammatory processes in the appendages and testicles, operations on the small pelvis, stroke, diabetes malfunction is a process of ejaculation, which is why a man has little sperm.


With age-related changes, a gradual decrease in testosterone release occurs. That's why there was not enough sperm, or the allocation stopped completely.

Negative sex life of men reflectedharmful habits: the use of harmful food, excessive smoking, alcohol, overweight, persistent stress, overexertion, harmful conditions at work. Any violation of a healthy lifestyle causes a decrease in the amount of sperm, the number of sperm that can fertilize the egg, reduces the chance of paternity. Strange as it may sound, but too active sex life leads to physiological changes. If a young man was too "active", do not be surprised why little sperm in adulthood.

To identify hypospermia you need to dospermogram. This diagnosis is mainly carried out in the case when the young couple have problems conceiving. The examination helps explain why there is not enough sperm. Of course, you can not be limited to spermogram, to make a final diagnosis, to choose a course of drug treatment.

Methods for diagnosing oligospermia

При снижении количества спермы во время эякуляции or its complete absence, it is necessary to undergo special diagnostic studies. With their help, the doctor identifies the causes of the disorder, makes a diagnosis, chooses the treatment. First you need to pass tests and tests:

  • Ultrasound examination. Examine the pelvic organs, excluding or detecting inflammation, pathology, other disorders.
  • Спермограмма проводится несколько раз, так как there may be discrepancies in the results. Between analyzes is a break of 2 weeks. In order to obtain reliable test results, the doctor asks a man to refuse sexual intercourse for a given period. In addition, when collecting sperm in laboratory glassware, it is important to minimize losses. Using this study, it is possible to estimate the number of sperm.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Check for a male infectious disease.

After the fullexamination, the main causes of hypospermia are identified, a course of treatment is selected. Despite the fact that the pharmacy network offers a huge number of drugs designed to eliminate this problem, self-treatment is strictly prohibited. In addition to hypospermia, other problems are possible, which only a doctor can identify, having obtained the results of genetic tests. Certain drugs are selected for each individual man, with self-treatment the effectiveness of the course will be minimal.

why there is less sperm

Methods of treating hypospermia

Only complex treatment will give a positive result in the elimination of hypospermia. Among the most common ways:

  1. Drug therapy.When prescribing a specific set of medicines, the doctor is guided by the results of clinical studies. When reducing the number of ejected sperm due to an imbalance in the hormonal region, therapy based on hormones is selected. If the cause of the problem is an infection, an antibacterial complex is prescribed. In order to achieve an optimal result, in addition to therapy, the patient uses trace elements, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, and dietary supplements.
  2. Physiotherapy. A good result appears after several sessions of the pressure chamber. As a prevention, magnetic and laser therapy, acupuncture, EHF are performed.
  3. The rejection of bad habits, compliance with the daily regimen, the rejection of spicy, fried foods.
  4. Surgical intervention is performed only with varicocele. This disease is eliminated only by surgery.

why does little sperm come out


The rate of secreted sperm is a relative concept,she is individual for men. Depending on his mental, physiological state, it ranges from 1.5 to 3 ml. Smaller volume is a wake-up call, the “first sign” of problems in the body.

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