Drugs to combat various disorders inThe work of the cardiovascular system is in great demand. Hypodinamy, bad habits, deteriorating ecology and stress lead to the development of a variety of abnormalities and malfunctions in the body. The heart and blood vessels suffer first. One of the medicines intended to treat a certain number of disorders is Corinfar. Indications for use are reduced to a number of diseases such as hypertension, angina (strained and variant).
Features of pharmacological properties of the drug "Corinfar"
Indications for use are based on propertiesactive substance of the drug "Corinfar" -nifedipine. The substance has the ability to release calcium ions from intracellular stores, and also reduces the activity of their flow into muscle cells (smooth muscle and cardiocytes) of the arteries. Due to this property, coronary blood flow increases, the blood supply of certain (ischemic) zones of the myocardium is stimulated, the functions of the colaterals are activated. The effect of the drug is rapid, the effect comes in twenty minutes and lasts for a long time (up to six hours in a row). Corinthar is produced in tablets of yellow color, convex, rounded, covered with a smooth protective coating.
"Corinfar": indications for use and contraindications
As mentioned above, the main indications foruse are arterial hypertension and angina of strained and variant type. Contraindications to taking the drug, established by the manufacturer and developer, are as follows:
"Corinfar" during pregnancy is contraindicated onlyin its early stages, but in the future, his admission is allowed under strict medical supervision. Caution should be given to patients with stenosis of the mitral valve, impaired kidney function, as well as liver, gastrointestinal obstruction, in old age, as well as circulatory disorders in the brain, tachycardia, bradycardia. Be sure to take into account when taking medication "Corinfar", indications for use, contraindications and simultaneous intake of other medicines. The appointment of the drug is performed only by a doctor, uncontrolled administration can cause serious disruption in the activities of various body systems.
Method of reception
The wrong way to take Corinfar -under the tongue. The tablet is absorbed slowly, but not swallowed and washed down with water, which leads to an early release of the active substance. It is not right. The drug is not recommended to chew. It must be swallowed with plenty of water. The patient should not eat before the reception, as the active substance is most effective on an empty stomach. Overdose of the drug manifests itself in the following forms: loss of consciousness, coma, a sharp drop in blood pressure, hyperglycemia, hypoxia, tachycardia, bradycardia, metabolic acidosis. Treatment is carried out urgently in the form of gastric lavage, artificial vomiting, restoring the heartbeat. In especially difficult cases, resuscitation is carried out and the patient is hospitalized under the constant supervision of doctors. In some cases, the patient is implanted with a heart rate driver.
Storage, leave from pharmacies
"Corinfar" - a prescription drug, itsuse is strictly controlled. Shelf life of the drug is three years, subject to the rules of storage. The drug should not be exposed to temperatures above 30 degrees.