/ 1 degree infertility in men and women: what it is, causes and treatment

Infertility 1 degree in men and women: what it is, causes and treatment

Бесплодие 1 степени - что это такое?This is a frequent question. We will understand. The inability to conceive a child today is often found in couples. It can be caused by both male and female infertility. In addition, the cause may be the sexual incompatibility of the spouses. In cases where it is impossible to have a child for one or two years, provided regular intimate communication without the use of contraceptives, it is possible to judge the infertility of 1 degree, that is, its primary form. It is characterized by the fact that it is impossible to conceive a child throughout life.

infertility grade 1 what is it

Description of the diagnosis

What does this pathology mean?

Infertility is diagnosed by assigning ita certain extent if conception attempts were unsuccessful for twelve months. In the past, this period was equal to five years. However, according to statistics, a larger number of couples “become pregnant” in six months, and ten percent - in a year. It should also take into account the correctness of attempts at conception. These include sexual intercourse from the 11th to the 18th day of the woman’s cycle, from the first day of menstruation. Their regularity should be no more than a day, at least two times a week. The most suitable pose is “missionary”. Lubricants do not need to apply.

A woman is recommended to lie down after sex.contact on the back up to half an hour, knees pressed to the stomach. Syringe and wash is not necessary. If you do not comply with any requirements in general, you can not talk about infertility. Perhaps the couple did not do everything possible to "meet" the egg and sperm. However, it is better to still be examined to determine the presence or absence of deviations. Approximately every tenth married couple fail to have children. The survey needs to pass both partners.

Who has more problems?

В одной трети ситуаций причина кроется в женщине, in a third or half - in a man. Finally, the rest are couples in which both have problems. Infertility of 1 degree in men and women is diagnosed in the case when the pregnancy has never occurred. This means that the woman was not pregnant, or the man could not fertilize any partner.

If conception occurred earlier, second-degree infertility is diagnosed, that is, secondary.

infertility treatment

Types of infertility

It does not depend on how the pregnancy ended - miscarriage or childbirth. Infertility (sterility) is of several types:

  • physiological - female postclimatic period, children's age;
  • congenital - underdevelopment of intimate organs, defects;
  • acquired - diseases of the genital organs and the corresponding consequences;
  • temporary - the result of depression, stress, pathologies of the immune system, lactation;
  • voluntary - the use of contraceptives from unwanted pregnancy;
  • constant - it occurs after the complete or partial removal of the organs of the reproductive system.

Consider the main causes of infertility.

Causes of female primary infertility

The reasons due to which first degree infertility occurs in women are:

causes of infertility
  • acquired or congenital diseases of the genital organs;
  • various diseases of internal genital organs: cysts, uterine fibroids, erosion of the uterine cervix, etc .;
  • injuries;
  • in a number of other cases, diseases occurovaries; in this case, failures in the functioning of the follicles are diagnosed, that is, the egg cell is not able to develop normally; similar pathologies are accompanied by a prolonged absence of menstruation, and if they appear, they are prolonged;
  • the first pregnancy was interrupted: during abortion, hormones produced during the emergence and development of the fetus became unnecessary for the body and caused a hormonal failure;
  • injury to abdominal organs; these may include adhesions that cause obstruction of the uterine tubes, and fertilization of the egg, therefore, cannot take place.

And what provokes infertility of 1 degree in men?

Causes of Male Primary Infertility

In men, first-degree infertility occurs for the following reasons:

  • due to inadequate ejaculate production;
  • injuries of the external genital organs;
  • acquired or congenital diseases of the genital organs;
  • failures in the immune system;
  • varicocele;
  • genetic defects;
  • hormonal disorders.

The causes of infertility may be different. If a small number of sperm and low sperm permeability are revealed, immunological sterility is also referred to as primary.

1 degree infertility in men

Бесплодие иммунологического характера возникает due to the effect on sperm of antisperm antibodies that immobilize the germ cells, fertilization becomes impossible. If according to the results of the analysis, both spouses have problems with health and pathology in the reproductive system, a MAR test that determines the antispermal bodies in the ejaculate is appointed by a specialist.

Infertility grade 1 is diagnosed with:

  • chronic pathologies of the urinary tract;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and infections;
  • use of certain drugs;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • poor blood flow in the scrotum;
  • smoking.


Чтобы исключить или подтвердить диагноз бесплодие Grade 1, a specialist must monitor their patients throughout the year. He also prescribes urine and blood tests, uses diagnostic equipment:

  • Ultrasound;
  • vaginal mucus intake;
  • laparoscopy;
  • From the man required spermogram.

Diseases of the urogenital system cannot be independently treated, since they are capable of entering the chronic phase. This is a predisposing factor for the occurrence of infertility.

What is the treatment of infertility in women?

1st degree infertility diagnosis

Female Infertility Therapy

Treatment is necessary depending on the factors that cause infertility:

  • The lack of ovulation in women.This phenomenon is caused by hormonal disorders that prevent the release of the egg from the follicle. This process is manifested by the absence of menstruation, different volume of bleeding during menstruation. Therapy for the development of infertility 1 degree is carried out by means of medication, it stimulates ovulation.
  • Endometriosis:endometrial tissue grows beyond the uterine limits. This pathology is characterized by quite strong pain during menstruation. There may be miscarriages. Therapy clearly involves only surgery. Surgically removed tissue is surgically removed, and the patency of the uterus tubes is restored.
  • Grade 1 Infertility in Women Causes OvulesBad quality. In females, the quality of the eggs decreases significantly with age. They may have anomalies that make them unsuitable for pregnancy. If a woman is going to become a mother after forty, doctors advise using the donor egg cell or resorting to the services of surrogate motherhood.
  • Polycystic ovary:due to cysts, hormones may be disturbed, menstruation is absent, which means there is no ovulation. Signs of polycystic become fast weight gain, acne, strong growth of hair on the face. Drug therapy, with the help of drugs that stimulate ovulation.
    1 degree infertility in women

Below we consider the treatment of infertility in men.

Therapy for the stronger sex

The method of treatment of primary infertility in men is determined by the factors that provoked the disease. When the correct diagnosis is carried out, the specialist will assign one of a number of methods.

  • Изменение образа жизни пациента:giving up bad habits, playing sports, eating and eating, walking, avoiding emotional stress and overwork, exposure to low and high temperatures.
  • Treatment of infectious diseases with antibiotics.
  • A small operation that eliminates some diseases of the genital organs.
  • Correction of hormonal background.
  • Therapy, which is directed to the production of a normal volume of sperm in the male body and to improve their quality.

What to do in case of infertility?

With the diagnosis of primary infertility in severe form to panic and give up is not worth it. Modern development of medicine provides an opportunity to solve such problems in almost one hundred percent of cases.

Many doctors and scientists have the conviction that today almost any type of grade 1 infertility in men can be cured. The most important thing is to diagnose the disease on time and begin treatment.

Patient tips

To increase the chances of pregnancy and improve reproductive function, as well as carrying a healthy child, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • sex must be at least once every three days;
  • no need to gain weight dramatically or lose weight too quickly;
  • follow a food culture;
  • use vitamins;
  • reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol, stop smoking;
  • eliminate stress;
  • physical activity should not be exhausting;
  • provide rest and normal sleep;
  • drink clean water in an amount of at least one and a half to two liters;
  • with ovulation do not drink painkillers.
    1 degree infertility

Spouses need to understand that it is very important to see a doctor on time and begin treatment, because in this case, the chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy child increase significantly.

Is it possible to cure such infertility?It is recommended that the couple relax, relax on the sea coast. After all, with constant emotional and physical stress, stress and feelings the body is in tension. And he has no time to reproduce.

Therefore, together with the change of the usual situationoften long-awaited pregnancy. In addition, hormonal, antibacterial therapy, laparoscopy, homeopathic medicines and traditional medicine are used. Also effective are physiotherapy, such as acupuncture, hirudotherapy, and apitherapy.

We considered infertility 1 degree. What it is, is now clear.

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