/ Why does it pull your legs?

Why does he pull his legs?

The leg seems simple in its structure, howeveris a complex structure consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints, numerous muscles, nerves and various ligaments. Any part of it can be affected by the disease. Some disorders of the legs manifest a soft aching or, when pulling the legs, pulling the pain. In most cases, the appearance of leg pain is considered a minor problem and is preferred to be treated with home remedies, which, if not properly applied, can lead to serious health complications and even disability.

Symptoms that occur in the legs, includingpain, numbness, weakness, stiffness, swelling, sensation, as if pulling legs, or problems with movement, are the result of diseases of other parts of the body and internal organs of a person and manifest themselves in different ways. Pain and discomfort torment a person constantly or periodically. The condition of the legs can improve or worsen during movement. If pain in the legs is present, then it is described as acute, blunt, stitching, burning or pulsating, and also vary in intensity: from mild to severe pain.

When a person is tormented by the feeling that he is pulling his legs,then, as a rule, the disease is not limited to leg disease. Nevertheless, its signs are often primarily manifested in the lower extremities. This is due to the remoteness of the central circulation, as well as the constant load of the entire body weight on them. The reason for the pain in the legs may be osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine. In addition, they should be considered as a result of vascular disease, the condition of the walls of the vessels or diseases of the endocrine system. That is, such reasons as varicose veins, arteriosclerosis of vessels, gout and diabetes, as well as acute infectious diseases or chronic kidney problems, leading to intoxication of the body, should not be overlooked.

Appropriate medical examination and laboratoryStudies, including ultrasound, X-ray or MRI, as well as duplex scanning, will help assess the condition of blood vessels and soft tissues. To find out the reason why the legs are pulled, you can only go through the necessary examinations for the doctor's appointment. If the cause was problems associated with vascular disease (loss of elasticity for large or circulatory disorders in the capillaries, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy), then anxiety is caused by stagnation of blood, which leads to the accumulation of oxidation and decomposition products in muscle tissues. External manifestations are initially invisible, later thinning of the skin appears and a vascular pattern emerges.

Often, the legs are pulled during pregnancy, whenthere is a deficiency of calcium, magnesium and vitamins. These strong pains of a pulling nature, accompanied by cramps, pregnant women usually feel at night. To facilitate this condition helps the right balanced diet, which necessarily includes products with easily digestible calcium (cheese, cottage cheese, milk) and magnesium (buckwheat, pine nuts, almonds, oatmeal, peas, beans). Reception of complex vitamin and mineral preparations (including vitamin C) is possible in this case only according to the doctor's prescription. In two or three days the situation can improve. There are cases when nocturnal cramps and traumatic pain in the legs did not occur if the pregnant woman ate at least 100 grams of curd in the daytime.

If you pull your legs at night, then it can beis caused by restless legs syndrome, which is a problem of a person's mental state. There are no structural changes in muscle tissues or leg vessels, but a person, usually after 18 hours, can not fall asleep due to the need for constant movement of the lower limbs. This anxiety lasts the entire first half of the night, only after 4 am a person manages to fall asleep. This condition is due to hypertonic muscle, resulting from the strong emotional stress and stresses received by them in the daytime. This condition exhausts, deprives a full rest and can lead to severe nervous breakdowns. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist.

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