/ / Enuresis in adults

Enuresis in adults

There is a lot of things from which people likeusually gets rid of as a child. However, it is very bad when such diseases and disorders begin to persecute and adults. Enuresis in adults is not common, but still occurs, and its symptoms can appear in anyone. This is very unpleasant for many reasons. Also, due to the fact that a person can suffer from it emotionally: appearance of new complexes, shyness, lowering of the level of self-esteem are exactly what can result in enuresis in adults (children, of course, are also not insured from this, although they experience it more easily).

What is the reason and why?

Under the described disorder is understood thisdisorder of the human body, the most important symptom, which is completely involuntary urination, usually occurring during sleep. Many children suffer from it, but not infrequently adults become adults (about two percent of all living people).

Nighttime enuresis in adults is very difficultproblem. People, through his fault, become irritable, nervous, hysterical, and rarely become self-absorbed. Start a family and friends they are very, very difficult.

Do not confuse bedwetting with a frequent night urge to urinate, as these are completely different problems.

The causes of enuresis may be psychological, andmedical. In medical cases, everything is usually associated with any infectious diseases of the urinary tract, an enlarged prostate, diabetes, bladder cancer, or alcoholism.

For psychological reasons, you can include stress, poor nutrition, nightmares, childhood traumas of the psyche, various kinds of emotional problems.

It is also worth noting that adult enuresis may also occur due to certain genetic abnormalities.

This ailment can be chronic or appearquite unexpectedly. Some suffer from it from the very childhood: the symptoms then disappear, then they appear again completely unpredictably, while others find it completely unexpectedly. Of course, most of all he is surprised by those who did not encounter this trouble even in their childhood. Micturition can occur in both cases and every night, and from time to time (for example, when a person is too tired for the day or drank a large amount of liquid before going to bed).

Enuresis in adults: treatment

Some people who suffer from it,there are, except for symptoms and other things, there is another big problem - they are embarrassed by their ailment so much that they can not even bring themselves to see a doctor. In fact, the doctor should not be afraid of a doctor, since he is already not surprised at anything, and the treatment that he appoints can be passed in such a way that no one will know any details. Is it better to wake up every night, realizing that everything has happened again?

Of course, before starting treatment, you needto establish the reasons for its appearance, and for this it will be necessary to undergo a special examination. Have to visit a urologist (gynecologist), as well as a neurologist. It should be noted that the process of treatment can be quite long, and there is no magic remedy that would help to be cured immediately.

During treatment, the patient receivesfunds that are needed in order to reduce or restore the bladder. Also mandatory is the intake of all kinds of sedative drugs that are able to normalize the work of the nervous system.

Some people treat enuresis in adults with folk remedies. Such treatment can also be very effective, but it is recommended that it be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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