/ / Granulators for animal feed. Mini granulators for feed: prices, tips on choosing

Granulators for animal feed. Mini granulators for feed: prices, tips on choosing

If you are a household owner, then you must face the challenge of obtaining a balanced feed. For this purpose, granulators for animal feed are used.

feed pellet mills

Necessity of application

Полученный корм способен сохранять первоначальные properties for a long time. If we consider a granulator, then it is a special device designed for the manufacture of products going to animal feed. Thanks to the technologies used, the feed retains its original qualities without losing the useful substances. If you decide to purchase a mini-granulator, then you should worry about whether the product has a certificate, since only in this case you can count on a good quality product that will meet the state standard.

Design features

As the main componentThe device described is a matrix. The length and size of the product that is displayed at the finish can be changed depending on the needs of the animals or birds. The mixture prepared in advance passes through the matrix heated to a certain temperature, then at the finish by the method of cutting it is possible to obtain granules of the required size.

grinder do it yourself grinder

Recommendations for choosing a granulator depending on the needs of animals or birds

Granulators for animal feed may have differentmatrix, which allows to obtain certain sizes of elements at the output. Before you choose a particular model, you must determine the need for agriculture, which is in your possession. Thus, for adult poultry feed will be necessary, the size of which does not exceed 0.5 cm. If we are talking about young pigs, then this figure increases to 0.8 centimeters. For medium and large livestock, granule size can vary from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. After acquiring a granulator, you will not need special knowledge to process the raw mass into the finished feed. Raw materials will need to lay in a special tank, from which the rotating rollers, it will be sent to the matrix. The latter is heated in the process of equipment operation up to 110 degrees. By the method of sufficiently tight pressing of the raw material to the matrix, the mixture passes through special openings, and at the exit it is cut into small granules. This becomes possible with the help of special tools. After the feed is ready, you can pack the product and pack it in a container. The main device in the granulation of feed is the press regulator, which gives the initial mixture the final look. As for the matrix, it is designed to give the mixture the correct diameter and shape.

feed pellet Price

Recommendations of a specialist in the selection of a granulator

If you are interested in granulators forfeed, you should be guided by the recommendation, which implies the possibility of the presence in certain models of roller sets. They provide the likelihood of cooking various types of feed. The diameter of the latter can vary from 0.4 to 1.5 centimeters. Such options granulators have the ability to automatically adjust the required length of the final product. The described models are more expensive, but they allow to solve the problems of preparing food for animals and birds of different sizes and ages. This eliminates the need to purchase several types of equipment. With the help of these devices, raw materials can be initially crushed to the required size, and then become stable. In doing so, you will need to add liquid or special adhesives. Some models do not provide for the grinding of raw materials, if you want to reduce the preparation time of the final product, then you need to choose models that provide such an opportunity.

pelleting press for feed

The choice of the granulator according to technical characteristics

Granulators for animal feed today are presentedon sale in a wide range. However, before purchasing, you should especially pay attention to some quality characteristics. If economics is important to you, then it is important to consider that different models are characterized by different levels of energy consumed. In order for the product to last for a longer time, you need to choose the options that are made of alloy steel, as regards not only the case, but also the rollers, as well as the matrix. If the product is accompanied by a quality certificate, then with it you will be able to familiarize yourself with information about the technology that was used in the manufacture of the product. Thus, the rollers and the matrix must undergo heat treatment in a special furnace.

screw granulator

This allows you to get a granulator, the termthe operation of which will be longer. You can make a granulator with your own hands from the grinder, but such equipment will not differ in efficiency and high efficiency. In factory models, an engine is installed, the power of which can vary from 2.2 to 3 kilowatts.

Choose between new and old models

If you need a pellet mill forfeed, it is important to pay attention to what elements are used in the design. Thus, in the old models used spur wheels. Their use in the transport of feed turned out to be extremely inefficient. Today, such options granulators are much cheaper, but experts recommend to abandon their acquisition, drawing attention to new models. In the latter case, helical gearing is used. When operating such equipment, you will be able to notice a less impressive noise level and a long service life of the product itself.

extruder granulator

The choice of a granulator with a smooth start and the presence of a thermal relay

Of course, the granulator do-it-yourself from the grindercan make every home master. To do this, you will need to use an old household appliance, which is complemented by a bucket and a more impressive camera for receiving raw materials. However, using such equipment it will be quite difficult to process a large batch of mass, which will form the basis of the future feed. A modern feed pellet mill, the price of which can vary up to 7,000 rubles, can be purchased to solve household tasks. Make sure that the design has a centrifugal clutch. Due to the fact that in the process of manufacturing such products apply the latest technology, you have the opportunity to use equipment that has the function of a smooth engine start. Ask the seller whether the product has an arbitrary slip of the coupling, using this functionality will be able to reduce the high load, which will extend the life of the granulator.

Among other things, with the help of these additionsit will be possible to increase the efficiency factor of both the engine itself and the product mechanism. If you want to eliminate possible engine loads, then you should purchase a screw granulator, which has a thermal relay. If the temperature of the motor increases to the maximum possible level, this functionality will work, which disables the operation of the engine.

home granulator

When to choose a household mini-granulator

If you do not know, prefer professionalequipment or home granulator, it is worth considering the advantages of the latter. Among them, mobility in movement, simple operation and installation, low energy consumption of electricity consumption, as well as low weight can be distinguished. If you are faced with the task of solving more complex issues of agriculture, then, of course, it is best to choose an industrial model. It will allow to process a greater amount of raw materials, which will form the basis of the feed.


If you need to solve a wide range of tasksIt is best to purchase an extruder-granulator. Perhaps such equipment will cost a bit more expensive. Before you go to the store, you should decide how often you will use this device. If the equipment is used infrequently, experts do not recommend to spend money on the purchase of expensive models.

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