/ / Internal braces: reviews, photo, name, installation. In what cases do not put internal braces?

Internal braces: reviews, photos, name, installation. In what cases do not put internal braces?

Previously, braces were cumbersome and ugly.Often they badly spoiled the impression of a person. However, now there is such a thing as internal braces, which are invisible and do not prevent their owners from living a full life. A person can smile, and no one will notice his little secret.

Description of construction

Officially have internal braces namelingual. They are located on the back of the dentition. By design, they are almost indistinguishable from ordinary ones, but locks and arcs have a smoother connection. This makes it easier for the patient to get used to the braces. At first, everyone constantly touches the language of the arc, and if it is not completely smooth, you can get hurt.

Internal braces
Sometimes instead of locks, plates are used with whichcovered with a tooth. It makes the mount more durable because the teeth on the reverse side are not very smooth. In particular, the liningual braces of the Incognito brand have such a construction.

Indications for installation of structures

Internal braces are installed in case of impaired teeth or occlusion. If they are curved, the wrong bite is noticed, then only classical metal constructions are prescribed.

But you can not argue that this type of bracessaves only in simple situations. Sometimes they help when ordinary ones do not fit, but the treatment will be longer. They will have to wear for several years and constantly go to the doctor.

How are they put?

Internal braces are even made a little differently than usual. Production is carried out in a factory in Germany or the United States, regardless of brand.

Lingual internal braces

At the first examination, the dentist will first prescribetreatment regimen. For example, ordinary caries can stand in the way of correcting a defect, so the installation of internal braces is impossible until the patient gets rid of it.

First you need to put the seals on all damagedchannels, then clean the tartar and solve other existing problems. And only then the doctor takes maxillary casts. Then they are sent to the laboratory, where they make brackets for several weeks. Delivery may take a long time. And only then the doctor sets the patient internal braces.

Duration of treatment with braces

In terms of time, internal braces and external braces differ only when it comes to complex defects. And then the lingual constructions will be less effective.

Braces internal photos

But with standard problems, everything candecide everything even faster than with ordinary metal braces. The fact is that the patient will not need to remove them during important events or public speaking. If the treatment is ultimately ineffective, then the doctor can change his plan, taking into account complications and other nuances.

Ease of use

Many are interested in how comfortable braces are.internal? Photos of such structures that provided this material, you can well consider to study their structure and possible effects on the oral cavity.

At first, everything is not very good:diction can be disturbed, there is a problem with food intake, pain syndromes and irritation of the mucous membrane. Not all of these problems can be solved through the use of lingual braces, but they are transferred with such structures somewhat easier.

Domestic braces reviews

So, thanks to the self-regulating mechanismBraces distribute the load throughout the jaw system, which minimizes pain syndromes. They can be worn even by those who suffer from great sensitivity. It is very important to choose the right model so that it does not rub or injure the gums. Also, internal braces are good because they do not mechanically affect the cavity. Sometimes they are coated with gold oxide, which eliminates the appearance of allergies.


The undoubted advantage of internal braces is the ability to gain self-confidence. Also among the positive aspects of these structures are the following:

  • effectiveness of use;
  • stealth;
  • quick adaptation;
  • possibility of use in difficult cases when external braces do not help;
  • production of structures, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person;
  • no risk of calcium loss;
  • does not irritate the inner surface of the lips.


However, it is not always possible to assign internal braces to everyone. When do not put them? Let's find out:

  • in the presence of low crowns on the teeth;
  • with severe paradontic diseases;
  • if the functions of the temporomandibular joint are violated;
  • with a narrow jaw;
  • if the patient is allergic to the components of which the design is made.

Installation of internal braces
Disadvantages of construction

Internal braces have a number of disadvantages, although there are not so many of them:

  • specific taste, disappearing over time;
  • problems with diction for several days;
  • high cost;
  • difficulty swallowing (temporary);
  • duration of treatment;
  • the complexity of cleaning the structure after a meal.

Cost of internal braces

As mentioned earlier, such constructions do notare cheap compared to normal. As a rule, their price starts from 40 thousand rubles and depends on many nuances. In particular, the cost includes transportation costs, which themselves are considerable.

Classification of models

Internal braces have different systems that help tidy teeth. They differ from each other in many ways. What are their features, consider below.

For example, the Incognito model is always produced inindividual order by casts. It reduces the risk of demineralization of teeth, protects them from caries. These braces are distinguished by their hypoallergenic, they do not injure the tongue and mucous membrane, they quickly get used to it, and problems with speech occur extremely rarely.

Internal braces in which cases do not put

A fairly popular system in the world comes fromItaly is STB. It is also made individually using straight arcs. Differs in small dimensions, efficiency of application. You can get used to it very quickly. Small nuance: in case of loss of a structural element, it can be made on site without waiting for an order from a manufacturing country.

Other developments include Ovation.L and Win. The first design has an interactive latch and is able to deal with complex defects. And the second is distinguished by its accuracy of execution, taking into account all existing research. Win braces are the flattest.

A budget option

Another common model is the 2d system.Braces of this brand are very thin - only up to 1.65 millimeters. They also have a self-regulating structure, its degas enters the groove from the occlusal side and then is clamped with a clip. It is opened and closed with a special tool. The key feature and advantage of this system is a lower cost compared to peers. Of all the braces that are put on the inside, these are the most accessible to patients.

What do patients say?

How do patients themselves perceive internalbraces? Reviews about them are different. Some complain about related problems that are similar to those that arise when using conventional designs. This may include the difficulty of eating and the appearance of a lisp. But in most cases, patients are satisfied with the installation of internal structures, despite initial doubts about this. As a result, they note the alignment of the teeth and their alignment.

As for diction, then in almost allcases of problems happen, but disappear within a few days, and then no problems arise with it. Also, some patients are satisfied with the fact that, despite the presence of braces, they can carry out personal hygiene without any problems, but with metal structures there are difficulties with this.

Internal braces name

Конечно же, внутренние брекеты, как и внешние, have along with the pluses and a number of minuses, which have already been discussed. In particular, many are afraid of their high cost, although in the end it is quite justified. There are a lot of nuances, but thanks to such systems, you can even your teeth and not worry about their appearance. This is especially important for those whose work is connected with publicity and constant communication with people.

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