/ / Acrylic wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

Acrylic wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

Acrylic has long been used inconstruction as a sealant-putty for flooring, paint, glue, putty, decorative plaster. The scope of acrylic is regularly expanded.

vinyl acrylic wallpaper
One of the latest innovations is acrylic wallpaper.According to the manufacturers, they are able to replace the wallpaper of foamed vinyl. Compared to vinyl, they have many advantages, which are expressed in high performance.

Acrylic wallpaper consists of a sheet with a paper base and a layer of foamed acrylic, which forms a pronounced relief pattern on the surface.

Acrylic paper wallpaper

Обои бумажные акриловые – наиболее экологичный a subtype of acrylic coating for walls. The disadvantage of this kind is shown when the wallpaper is pasted: they can not be soaked for a long time, otherwise because of the moisture that is contained in the glue, the paper will get wet and acrylic will suffer. Therefore, as soon as one sheet is smeared, it must be immediately glued to the wall.

wallpaper acrylic
Paper wallpaper acrylic are produced in conventionalrolls. Their outer surface has a relief structure. It can be monophonic or color. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of wallpaper, so they can easily be selected for any interior.

Wallpaper on non-woven base - a sub-type of acrylic, but they have a few nuances:

  • The non-woven base is considered to be a good reinforcing layer. The wallpaper will not tear even when a crack forms in the wall of plasterboard.
  • Easy to paste. It is necessary to apply glue to a pre-prepared surface and to glue the wallpaper.

Environmentally friendly wallpaper

In addition to the standard wallpaper with a two-layerstructure, manufacturers offer an improved version, called ecoacryl. In these samples, instead of conventional acrylic, a water-diluted emulsion is used, similar to medical acrylic.

This coating consists of four layers.The first layer is the basis, most of which is paper. The second one is acrylic. The third and fourth - ecological acrylic, which is applied in two layers. Therefore, this kind of wallpaper is more durable and safer.

Liquid acrylic wallpaper

Acrylic liquid wallpaper by its qualitiesbelong to a greater extent to types of decorative plaster than to wallpaper. This material consists of a mixture of silk, cellulose fibers and decorative fillers, such as structural particles and dyes.

acrylic liquid wallpaper
In order to make a liquid mixture (hence the name), it is necessary to use a regular adhesive for wallpaper. The resulting composition must be rubbed over the entire surface of the wall.

acrylic primer under the wallpaper
Before the application of liquid wallpaperadvise to treat the primer mix with the surface of the walls. This will improve the adhesion of the substrate with further coating. And also the primer has protective properties: it prevents penetration of moisture, prevents the formation of fungus and mold.

Primer for liquid wallpaper

Basic priming materials for liquid wallpaper:

  1. Acrylic primer under wallpaper - this is the best option. First, it is easy to apply. Secondly, it dries quickly. Thirdly, it falls evenly.
  2. Deep penetrating. Excellent absorbed in the surface, after drying, a strong waterproof film is formed. With this primer you can smooth out the shortcomings of the surface: irregularities, pores.
  3. Quartz is made using quartz dust. This kind of primer gives a slight roughness to the treated surface, so that the liquid coating perfectly holds.

The value of liquid wallpaper is that they can beuse on any planes. Buyers prefer this kind, since it is no worse than the usual wallpaper. The only drawback of this type of finishing is the cost of materials.

Wallpaper gluing

Vinyl acrylic wallpaper is glued in the same way asusual paper. First you need to prepare the walls: remove the old coating (wallpaper, plaster). Clear them of grease and dirt. Align the surface and apply a primer.

The main thing is to choose the right glue composition. It is best to use glue, intended for acrylic wallpaper.

glue wallpaper on acrylic paint
The next moment is smoothing.Practically all specialists prefer to use a spatula. But it will have to be applied very carefully, because the deeper the structure, the more likely it is to cling to it and ruin the wallpaper. In the event that there is no experience with the spatula, it is better to use a roller.

During the wallpapering, it is better not to ventilate the room, as vinyl acrylic wallpaper does not tolerate temperature changes.

Adhesive wallpaper on acrylic paint

Pasting the wallpaper on the paint is not an easy task,which requires certain knowledge. If you glue wallpaper on a painted surface, then in the future, you may have problems with the lagging behind the wallpaper from the walls, the formation of air bubbles and unevenness. In this case, it is necessary to paste the walls in the near future.

Полное очищение поверхности от старого покрытия It will take a lot of time, but it can guarantee you an excellent final result. Before you glue the wallpaper on the paint, it is recommended to first apply a primer. Acrylic paint is odorless, well applied and fixed to the surface, in addition, it is characterized by excellent water-repellent properties.

Paints for paper wallpapers

From ordinary paper wallpaper are distinguished by the presence of a water-repellent layer. The paint for this type of wallpaper is made on a water basis. Up to fifteen times you can update the wallpaper for painting.

The paint for paper wallpapers is made of PVA andconsidered environmentally friendly. Its disadvantages are that it absorbs water, burns in the sun, it can not be used in rooms with high humidity. Latex paint for wallpaper has good moisture resistance and is used only on smooth surfaces. She does not let in air.

Not so long ago, a new method of finishing walls - painting wallpaper with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints are most resistant to sunlight and moisture.

painting acrylic paints
Manufacturers offer a diverse palettecolors. If the wallpaper is painted with such paint, then you can do a wet cleaning of the walls, which improves the air quality in the room. In addition, it does not have a negative impact on human health and for this reason it can be used for interior decoration.

Paint for paper wallpaper is sold in white.With the help of special fillers, it can be given any shade. This process is called tinting. The desired color can be made manually or with the help of special machines that quickly mix the paint to obtain the desired color by request of the buyer.

High quality painting materialsallow you to independently update paper wallpaper. It is much faster and more economical than removing old wallpaper and re-glue new ones. The paint increases the strength of the wallpaper, improves the sound insulation of the premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper

The main advantages include the following factors:

  • Resistance to abrasion, to mechanical damage.
  • Wear resistance - it is possible to wash wallpaper with detergents, but only without abrasive substances.
  • The cost of production of acrylic wallpaper is much lower than the production of vinyl.
  • Environmental friendliness. Acrylic is one of the purest polymers, it does not emit toxins and allows the walls to "breathe".
  • Hygiene Acrylic wallpaper does not allow fungi and mold to multiply, so they can be used in the nursery or bedroom.
  • Versatility. With the help of modern technology of coloring wallpaper can be painted in the most suitable color for the interior.
  • Long service life.

The main disadvantages are:

  • Wallpaper attracts dust because of the deep structure;
  • instability to moisture, high humidity reduces the life of the wallpaper.

Care for acrylic wallpaper

Мыть акриловые обои рекомендуется снизу вверх, This makes it possible to avoid smudges and stains. Do not use potent chemicals. This leads to partial or complete loss of color. Clean with a soft, damp cloth.

acrylic wallpaper
Правильный и своевременный уход за акриловыми Wallpaper provides excellent results. After cleaning, they acquire the original appearance. It is recommended to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the house, including the walls.

Acrylic wallpaper is a great substitute for traditionaltypes of finishes. They help to make the interior more vivid and expressive. If the interior design of the room is made in a classic style, then most often choose wallpaper in a color scheme in which the whole room is made. In modern style, use bright contrasting wallpaper without a picture.

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