/ / Vladivostok, sanatorium "Primorye" Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: photos and reviews

Vladivostok, sanatorium "Primorye" Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: photos and reviews

Administrative center of the Far Eastern regionRussia - the city of Vladivostok. Sanatorium "Primorye" is located in the resort area, near the city limits. The health resort belongs to the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is equipped according to all requirements of sanatorium treatment.


The territory of the sanatorium occupies 12.1 hectares,conveniently located one kilometer from the Amur Bay. It is worth to drive only 22 kilometers, enter the resort area and leave behind Vladivostok. Sanatorium "Primorye" is surrounded by the Sikhote Alin ridge and picturesque mountains on the east side. The area is characterized by beautiful scenery, abundant vegetation.

The season of swimming in natural waters opensin the last decade of July and lasts until the last days of September. Natural curative factors are therapeutic mud, mineral waters (imported) and the climate of the sea coast. In 2012, the health resort celebrated its 80th anniversary. The park area of ​​the sanatorium is extensive and has easy walks, admiring fountains and a well-groomed territory.

For treatment and preventionprocedures is equipped with one of the best medical facilities. Here you can conduct a full range of tests, medical services, get expert advice, and for this there is no need to go to Vladivostok. Sanatorium Primorye renders a wide range of medical and preventive measures for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the civilian population, and also accepts for treatment under the program "Mother and Child" throughout the year.

Vladivostok health resort Primorye

Medical Profile

Many citizens are eager to get healthier outside the city, and Vladivostok is no exception. Sanatorium "Primorye" accepts for treatment patients with the following diseases:

  • Heart diseases (rheumatic endomyocarditis, rheumatic diseases of the aortic valve, myocarditis, congenital heart defects, ischemia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, etc.).
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and PNS (meningitis, encephalitis, spinal cord injuries and intracranial, Raynaud's syndrome, stress conditions, etc.).
  • Musculoskeletal diseases and diseasesconnective tissue (arthritis, arthropathy, idiopathic gout, coxarthrosis, polyarthrosis, scoliosis of 1,2 degree, osteochondrosis of the spine, fibroblastic disorders, osteomyelitis, consequences of thermal and chemical burns, etc.).
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract and digestion (ulcer of the esophagus,stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, gastritis, duodenitis, peritoneal adhesions, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the operated stomach, etc.).
  • Urological diseases.
  • ENT diseases.
  • Violations of the endocrine system (obesity, etc.).
  • Nerve and psychoneurological diseases (head, spinal cord, neurosis, tics, stuttering, facial nerve injury, etc.).

Vladivostok health resort Primorye russia

Therapeutic base

Many health resorts are rich in the city of Vladivostok. Sanatorium "Primorye" The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a modern diagnostic base, where:

  • Clinical and biochemical analyzes in laboratory conditions.
  • X-ray.
  • The cabinet of functional diagnostics.

Natural factors of the therapeutic process arepeloids of the Sadgorodsky silt deposit and imported sodium bicarbonate water "Lotos". For patients of the sanatorium, medical services are provided and health procedures are carried out:

  • Mud cure, electric mud, hydrotherapy (shower chair, several types of baths).
  • Electrophoresis, electrosleep, laser therapy.
  • Light therapy, phytotherapy, aeroionotherapy, inhalation.
  • Massages (classical, hardware, mechanical, vacuum).
  • Intestinal lavage, gynecological procedures.
  • Acupuncture, psychotherapy, treatment room.
  • Dentistry, dental prosthetics.
  • Cosmetology, exercise therapy, paraffin treatment.

Vladivostok health resort Primorye russia russia reviews


Not far from the location of the health resort is the federal highway, and you can always go to Vladivostok. Sanatorium "Primorje" offers accommodation for several categories of comfort:

  • One room, which can accommodate from 1 to 4 people. The cost of living is 1570 rubles per day.
  • One-room single room. The cost of living is 1885 rubles per day from one person.
  • The junior suite is two-room. Accommodation per day is 4305 rubles per person.
  • Two-room suite. For one day of stay, a fee of 2050 rubles will be charged.
  • Apartments of three rooms. The cost of accommodation for one person is 2826 rubles.

The prices are shown according to the price list of 2016.All rooms are equipped with necessary furniture and household appliances. Resting in the health resort, there is always the opportunity to visit the excursions, as well as the numerous historical sites with which the city of Vladivostok is famous. Sanatorium "Primorye" of the Ministry of Interior of Russia (photos from places of rest will always remind you of pleasant moments) is a great place to return.

Vladivostok health resort Primorye russia russia photos


The dining room in the health resort is designed for 400 peopleplaces. The dietary system is dietary and consists of several menu options: low-calorie, sparing, low-protein, high-protein diets, etc. Diets were developed by a dietician with regard to the profile of the sanatorium. Meals three meals a day, the menu is designed for seven days. The diet includes fish, seafood, seasonal vegetables, dairy products, a wide range of snacks and desserts. The kitchen is equipped with all necessary equipment, cooks and staff are appropriately qualified.

Vladivostok health resort Primorye address


Friendly to guests Vladivostok.Sanatorium "Primorye" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia reviewed with positive evaluation for the work of medical personnel. Most of the vacationers talk about caring, responsiveness of employees. Many good words are said about the promptness of placement in the rooms, the speed with which household issues are resolved, and high-quality medical care.

The staff of the canteen received negative feedbackfor small portions, a meager menu and disrespectful attitude. Complaints of holidaymakers were caused by the administration of the residential complex due to bias during the placement. Some employees hint at the need to reinforce requests to move to a comfortable room gifts, which affects the image of the institution.

The assessment of the work of doctors was divided, partvacationers thanks the individual professionals for their attention, good treatment and comprehensive appointment procedures that helped. The work of certain specialists provoked condemnation for incompetence, neglect of duties, which affected the well-being of the holiday-makers.

In general, the vast majority of vacationers insanatoriums "Primorye" respond about rest as well spent time and advise to take advantage of health resort services. During the treatment and recreation period, there was a place for a cultural program, numerous excursions, the proximity to China gave many people the opportunity to visit the neighboring country without hindrance and appreciate the city of Vladivostok.

Planning to arrive in Vladivostok, sanatorium "Primorye" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, its address should be remembered: Vladivostok, ul. Makovsky, building 8.

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