/ / Transfusion of blood from acne? The effect is!

Blood transfusion from acne? The effect is!

Одним из эффективных методов избавления от акне is autohemotherapy. But the indications for blood transfusion include not only getting rid of acne. Apply it for inflammation, purulent diseases, poorly healing wounds, as well as for general enhancement of immunity. In all these cases it works strictly purposefully.

If the result is from traditional treatmentsrather weak, a blood transfusion is used. Acne and furunculosis are subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injections. To enhance the therapeutic effect, this procedure is combined with ozone, ultraviolet and homeopathy. Such high positive results are achieved due to the fact that the body includes powerful protection against all alien objects, activates immune and metabolic processes.

The very blood transfusion for acne lies inadministering to the patient his own blood taken from a vein. It contains a lot of nutrients, but a lot of by-products, toxins and harmful poisons. It is they who are the main stimulators of immunity, which becomes a fundamental therapeutic factor in this therapy.

Перед тем, как избавиться от прыщей и угрей при help of this method, be sure to visit the attending physician and pass the necessary examinations. The treatment regimen is always individual. To begin with, two milligrams of venous blood is enough, which is injected through the injection into the upper outer edge of the gluteus muscle. Next, you will need three milligrams, then four - and so on increasing. Daily should be added no more than one milligram. The entire course of treatment is twelve to fifteen injections.

Переливание крови от прыщей требует особой caution and observation of a specialist, as in some cases a slight deterioration of the patient’s condition is possible. If pain and swelling appear in the places of injections, and the body temperature rises to thirty-eight degrees, you should reduce the dose of injected blood by two milligrams and continue the treatment. Strict schemes do not need to adhere. Be guided only by your personal inner feelings and general well-being.

The indications for blood transfusion are quite wide.These are frequent colds, reduced immunity, various wounds and dermatitis. This procedure is especially indicated for patients with pustular, chronic and infectious diseases. It should be noted that today there are no contraindications prohibiting the implementation of autohemotherapy, not identified.

In advanced cases, acne transfusionsIt is recommended to repeat after half a year. Sometimes acne comes back, and one procedure cannot cope with too severe a disease. Experts recommend several transfusions with an interval of six months and combine them with the use of hormone therapy. This will completely eliminate acne and even the traces left on them.

Выяснив, как избавиться от прыщей и угрей, It should be noted that the blood in the gluteal muscles dissolves slowly enough and can deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations in the form of painful seals. Already on the fifth day, patients begin to complain of severe pain, which is recommended to be eliminated with the help of a heating pad and massages. They make an iodine net, apply alcohol compresses, vigorously rub and massage the injection site.

Statistics show that in eightypercent of cases of acne disappear forever. Not all doctors recommend this procedure. Many remain supporters of the use of external funds. But in particularly neglected situations, when other methods of treatment have not brought a positive effect, it is still worth applying. Contraindications at the moment is not revealed. But autohemotherapy is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, in chronic diseases, oncology and exacerbated inflammation.

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