By signs on the human body one can predict itfate, determine its nature and ... diagnose the disease. No man wants to "decorate" his body with pimples, and, nevertheless, many suffer from acne. Why is this happening?
The causes of the appearance of acne are inadequatehygiene or in poor performance of internal organs. As a rule, acne is considered a teenage disease, arising from changes occurring in the body during the growing up period. In this case, the treatment consists in the observance of all hygiene procedures. If the reason for the appearance of acne was just teenage restructuring of the body, then by the age of 25 people forget about acne.
But the appearance of acne in a more mature age indicates a failure in the work of internal organs. And this is already a serious problem, so only compliance with hygiene procedures is not enough.
Localization of acne in a specific area of the facespeaks about failures of concrete bodies. So, acne on the temples speak about disorders in the gallbladder, on the forehead - in the intestine, on the cheeks - in the lungs, on the nose - in the pancreas, on the wings of the nose - in the bronchi, over the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows) - in the liver. Our body is the interaction of organs, and if in one of them (or in several) there are malfunctions, the work of the whole organism is disrupted with all the ensuing consequences. And to get rid of pimples on the skin, you need to adjust the normal operation of the internal organs.
Acne (on the temples, on the forehead, on the wings of the nose, etc.)) of the face appear as an auxiliary cleansing reaction. A healthy intestine is the key to clean skin and healthy hair. In the intestine lives a huge number of bacteria that are responsible for strong immunity, normal digestion, excretion of toxins from the body. Moreover, the ratio of "useful" and "harmful" bacteria is strictly defined. As a result of the influence of certain factors (stress, antibiotic intake, malnutrition), this ratio is violated, useful microorganisms become smaller, while their antipodes begin to multiply rapidly. The products of their activity - toxins - the liver and kidneys can not withdraw, as they become too much. To the aid the skin which undertakes a part of work on deducing or removing toxins rushes. This increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the skin appears greasy shine, there are acne, the skin changes color.
If you have pimples on your temples, and,adolescence is long overdue, it will be reasonable to go to a doctor. Cosmetic procedures, of course, sometimes work wonders, but by removing the symptom, and not the very reason, it is foolish to count on the magic healing of the body.
As already mentioned, the organs of our bodywork in the system, so the diagnosis of the disease only for the localization of acne is a conditional thing. This is something like self-diagnosis, which should encourage a person to change his lifestyle and visit a doctor. If there are pimples on the temples, the reason can be not only in the violation of the pancreas. Speaking about the causes of the appearance of acne, we should mention that, contrary to popular belief, it does not cause: it is about cosmetics, chocolate and other sweets. They can play the villain's role only if the body has already begun to work in a half-strength.
Now about what really causes pimples on the temples. The reasons can be the following:
Endocrine diseases,
Problems in the work of the digestive tract,
Changing the hormonal background.
To provoke the appearance of acne, surprisingly, can even headphones from the player, hats and wearing glasses.
Proceeding from all the above, pimples on the temples -a serious symptom (not to mention the cause of the inferiority complex) of malfunctions in the work of internal organs, the SOS signal from the body. To get rid of this scourge, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, protect yourself from stress and follow the purity of the skin.