Women's health is a necessary condition forbirth of offspring. That is why the medicine pays him special attention. Annually, various screenings are conducted, which allow to reveal pathological conditions at early stages. Unfortunately, women's diseases continue to grow. This is due to the influence of various environmental factors, as well as harmful habits. One of the common pathologies is diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary glands. This disease refers to benign neoplasms. Due to the fact that the process can develop into breast cancer, timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of mammary glands is otherwise called mastopathy and occurs in most women of young and middle age. Most often, this disease develops after a period of breastfeeding, as well as inadequate thyroid hormones. If found on time, you can avoid dangerous consequences and surgical treatment.
Diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of mammary glands isa benign neoplasm that can capture both one and both breasts. The causes of the development of this disease are not known. However, there are a number of factors that affect breast tissue. These include: physical, chemical and hormonal effects. There is an assumption that fibroadenomatosis occurs in girls who often wear underwear compressing the mammary glands. Also benign degeneration is associated with the influence of chemicals, since the development of mastopathy in women working in harmful production occurs much more often. This category includes ladies who have bad habits. The main risk factor is hormonal failure. Excessive effect of estrogens on the body is observed in various diseases of female genital organs, early onset of menstruation, late development of menopause. Hormonal disorders can occur with the misuse of oral contraceptives, frequent childbirth or, on the contrary, their absence. Another risk factor is hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland.
Diffuse fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary glands canbe homogeneous and mixed. It depends on what kind of tissue in the breast has undergone excessive growth. Depending on this distinguish between fibrous and cystic mastopathy. In the first case we are talking about connective tissue. Diffuse cystic fibroadenomatosis develops with the growth of glandular tissue. Most often a mixed version develops. In addition to the diffuse proliferation of breast tissue, there are local changes. Single fibroadenomas need to be differentiated from breast cancer. The only method of their treatment is surgical removal.
От того, какой именно вид мастопатии преобладает, depends on the density of the breast during palpation. If the most part is occupied by connective tissue, the gland will be more dense, with nodular formations (lumps). Their size may differ from each other. Diffuse cystic fibro-adenomatosis of the mammary glands is characterized by the fact that milder formations are palpable in the chest - sacs filled with liquid. They, too, may have a different size and location. In order to notice changes in breast tissue, it is necessary to conduct a monthly examination. Every woman can do it herself. To do this, you need to carefully touch the chest along the entire circumference, and then more carefully - in each quadrant.
The main method of detecting fibroadenomatosisis the palpation of the mammary glands. The technique of conducting it should be owned by every woman. In addition, palpation can be performed by a mammalian, gynecologist or therapist. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect mild diffuse fibroadenomatosis, since the formation with it can be very small in size. In order to clarify the type of mastopathy, as well as determine the tactics of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a number of instrumental studies. At present, the radiographic method - mammography - has been widely used. In addition, ultrasound is performed, which is more preferable for young women.
Для того чтобы избавиться от мастопатии, It is necessary to find out the main reason for its appearance. Only elimination of the damaging factor will help to completely defeat the diffuse fibroadenomatosis. Treatment of the thyroid gland, genital organs, rejection of harmful effects (smoking, chemical production, uncomfortable underwear), as well as the correct use of contraceptives are considered the main methods. In addition, symptomatic therapy is used. This includes the use of anti-estrogen drugs: "Tamoxifen", "Farestona". In addition, herbal decoctions and diet are recommended.
To avoid breast diseases,it is necessary to constantly examine and palpate the chest. Women over the age of 40 must undergo a mammogram, regardless of whether they have a complaint or not. In addition, one should avoid unfavorable factors and hypothermia, eat right and wear comfortable underwear. When using hormonal contraceptives during the menopause, it is necessary to observe the gynecologist and mammologist every year.