/ / Antifreeze additives in cement mortar: consumption and method of use

Antifreeze additives in cement mortar: consumption and method of use

Lower temperatures contribute to less rapid solidification of concrete. Water under such conditions freezes, and the hydration of the binder is suspended.

Need to use

antifreeze additives in cement mortar

For concrete such processes are undesirable, sohow they have a negative impact on strength. As a result, the structure becomes loose, and its frost resistance leaves much to be desired. In order to ensure a normal set of strength at low temperatures, appropriate measures must be taken that contribute to the preservation of water in the liquid phase.

General description of antifreeze additives

antifreeze additives in cement slurry reviews

Противоморозные добавки в цементный раствор are added at low temperatures. They are a liquid that can have a yellowish or light gray hue, and can also be completely colorless. The mixture has a density of 1.4 kilograms per liter. As for the mass fraction of calcium nitrate, it ranges from 42 to 45%. These characteristics may vary, depending on the type of material used.

Antifreeze additives in cement mortarare added if necessary to increase the mobility of the composition, which greatly facilitates the process of forming the elements of the structure. These mixtures contain a corrosion inhibitor that protects the bars of the reinforcement from oxidation. After the addition of the described composition, the building mixture gains strength in a short time, and the waterproofness of the material increases.

The method of using additives in the preparation of a solution

antifreeze additives in cement mortar at home

When antifreeze additives are added to thecement slurry, plasticizer, sand, cement are used in parallel. It is desirable to add the said composition together with water, since the liquid of the anti-frost composition is capable of partially replacing the water of mixing.

All ingredients are well mixed, in the processwhat you should use a concrete mixer. This stage should last for an hour. In the end, a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The degree of homogeneity will depend on the mixing period and the quality of the concrete mixer. The amount of additive should be equal to the volume that is prescribed on the package. Most often it is 0.2% of the volume of cement by weight. It is important to take into account that this volume corresponds to the temperature value specified in the instruction.

When antifreeze additives are added to thecement mortar at home, it is important to take into account that with a decrease in temperature the volume of the product should be increased. It is important to take into account that 0.05% of the composition corresponds to one degree. Dosage is usually indicated in grams. If the given value is indicated in millimeters, to determine the amount of the composition, its mass should be divided by 1.45. In the end, it will be possible to obtain the required volume, expressed in millimeters. It only remains to measure the necessary amount of the mixture, and then to introduce it into the solution.

Противоморозные добавки в цементный раствор, reviews about which in the majority are positive, are added exclusively at negative temperatures of an environment. It is not allowed to use these mixtures under other conditions. Elements of structures and concrete products should be moistened for two days, this will eliminate the drying.

Consumption of potash

antifreeze additives in cement mortar consumption

Potash is used in construction in the role ofantifreeze additives. It is still known as potassium carbonate technical. It can be obtained in the form of a crystalline powder, which is characterized by excellent solubility in water. The saturated solution freezes at a temperature that is equivalent to -36.5 degrees. Potash is able to significantly accelerate the hardening and grasping of concrete.

Characteristics of the composition will be maintained ifDuring the casting process, the concrete temperature will not drop below -25 degrees until it reaches strength. If there is a need to enhance the frost resistance of concrete, then additionally add liquid sodium glass.

Similar antifreeze additives in cementthe solution is introduced, as a rule, to ensure a short period of thickening. At the same time, the process is practically independent of the ambient temperature. Potash acts as a neutral additive that does not affect the reinforcement. When the temperature is lowered, the consumption of the substance increases. Thus, if the thermometer's mark is in the range from 0 to -5 degrees, then from 5 to 6 kilograms of potash will be needed for one hundred kilograms of cement.

При диапазоне температур в пределах от -6 до -10 degrees antifreeze additive should be used in the amount of from 6 to 8 kilograms per hundred kilograms of cement. Whereas at -11 to -15 degrees, the consumption of potash increases from 8 to 10 kilograms by the same volume of the cement component.


According to consumers, antifreezecement mortar additives whose consumption was mentioned above are introduced not only for the preparation of concrete mixes. Among other things, they can be used in lightweight concrete, in the manufacture of road elements, when mixing plaster solutions, as well as in the formation of pavement.

antifreeze additives in cement mortar salt

В промышленности противоморозные добавки used in the construction of bridges, buildings for various purposes, oil and gas production platforms, dams and other things. With these compositions, you can reduce construction time and reduce the cost of the object due to the rational use of labor and technology. This is very popular with private consumers and professional developers.


If you use antifreezecement mortar additives, salt will be formed together with concrete hydration products. Before using substances with the described purpose, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics and characteristics of the ingredient discussed above.

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