/ / Pain around the navel: causes and consequences

Pain around the navel: causes and consequences

The human body consists of a largenumber of organs. They closely interact with each other. When there is a failure in one, a person may feel unpleasant sensations. Physicians call them symptoms. They are different. It all depends on the reason. One of the most common symptoms is pain syndrome. It appears only if there are violations in the body. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant sensation, it is not enough to take an antispasmodic. These drugs temporarily dull the pain, but do not solve the problem as a whole. The main thing - to find out the reason, which provoked the appearance of this symptom.

In this material, we will consider whattestify to the pain around the navel. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is important to know the causes of its occurrence. Also will be told about the methods of diagnosis. However, the main thing is to remember that the final diagnosis can be made only by a medical worker having the appropriate qualifications.

Pain as a symptom. What should I say to the doctors?

It should be understood that pain does not ariseby themselves. It is this symptom that the body gives alarming signals about violations in one or another organ. It is recommended immediately at the first manifestations of pain in the abdomen around the navel to go to the clinic. At a doctor's appointment, it's important to describe the problem correctly. This will help in diagnosing. What are the points to focus on? First of all, describe the nature of pain. It can be aching, harsh, sharp and so on. After that, specify the location of the localization. Do not forget about chronic diseases, if any, and other reasons that are disposable factors. It is also important to know the duration of painful spasms and the frequency of their appearance.

Pain around the navel

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The most common causes of pain around the navel- disorders in the digestive system. They can have a different character, for example, aching or harsh. The following diseases can provoke the onset of pain:

  • Abdominal migraine.This disease is a kind of dyskinesia of the intestine. Painful spasms occur both in the navel and the head. Their duration is different. In some people, unpleasant sensations can pass for several hours, while in others - the pain does not stop for 1-2 days. In most cases, children suffer from this disease. In addition to painful sensations, other symptoms also appear in patients. Abdominal migraine is accompanied by pallor, strong weakness, diarrhea, nausea, rarely vomiting.
  • Chronic enteritis.People with this disease have a small intestine. This is what causes pain around the navel (both in women and men). Patients also feel heaviness after eating, gas formation, decreased appetite, bloating. Painful spasm is more often than aching. Even with chronic enteritis in people can bleed the gums, there is dry skin and brittle nails. In addition to these symptoms, the state of health worsens. As a rule, patients quickly become tired, feel dizzy and weak.
  • Inversion of the intestine.This disease makes itself felt suddenly. The first and main symptom is acute pain. It is localized in the navel area with a shift to the right side. After a short period of time, the patient will also feel nausea, squeezing the spasms in the lower abdomen, and gas formation. It is worth noting that some people may even begin vomiting. Fighting this disease with pain medication alone does not make sense, as they bring a short-term relief, after which the unpleasant sensations return.
  • Cancer of the small intestine.The most serious and even dangerous cause of abdominal pain around the navel. Just the word "cancer" already indicates fatal consequences. Naturally, with such diseases jokes are bad, since they can lead to the death of a person. Most often, neoplasms are diagnosed as benign, but they are also malignant. In the first case, the patient's life is not threatened. The main thing is to ask for help in time. With malignant tumors, you should not hesitate. Doctors say that in the early stages of the treatment begun significantly increases the chances of recovery. In addition to painful spasms, there may be other symptoms: decreased appetite, nausea, constipation, severe weight loss.
Pain around the navel in men

Umbilical hernia

A fairly common disease - umbilicalhernia. It can appear both in children and in adults (men and women). Pain around the navel is not the only symptom of this disease. In addition to sharp spasms, people with pathology experience constipation, nausea, and strong gas formation. You can see the umbilical hernia yourself when examining the abdomen. It appears as a protruding formation, perhaps as oblong or round. In the early stages, the dimensions are small. But after a certain time, the hernia may increase. And this will lead to not the most pleasant consequences. Doctors categorically prohibit self-medication, since such a disease can affect not only human health, but also become a threat to life.

Umbilical hernia


Sharp pains around the navel in men, women and childrencan occur with acute appendicitis. At the initial stage of the disease, discomfort occurs in the abdomen, and in different places. However, after a while, the pain concentrates on the right lower side. With appendicitis, too, the temperature may increase, palpitations may increase, dry mouth may appear. If such symptoms are observed, then you can check the diagnosis yourself. For this, the fingers need to press down on the lower abdomen on the right side. If the pain begins to increase, then immediately call an ambulance team. It is also worth noting that with appendicitis, vomiting may begin. This clearly indicates that an operation is urgently needed, otherwise the consequences will be very deplorable.

Pain around the navel in women


Aching pain around the navel is capable of provokingdiverticulosis. In this disease the mucous membrane is cut out outside the walls of the intestine, due to which the navel increases in size, strongly protrudes. In shape, it resembles an inflated ball. The navel area is quite painful. In this disease, there is often a temperature increase.

Diverticulosis can lead to seriousconsequences. These include purulent complications. Abscesses lead to the development of peritonitis. In some cases, an internal or external fistula is formed. Also, patients may have bleeding. It is determined by the presence of blood in the feces.

Diverticulosis is very treatable if you consult a doctor at an early stage. However, if the symptoms are ignored for a long time, then complications develop that pose a threat to life.


Frequently asked by the same question manymen and women: "Why does the pain around the navel appear? What exactly provokes them? "We have already talked about several diseases that can lead to such a problem. But that's not all the reasons. One of them is pancreatitis. When the disease takes on a chronic form, abdominal pains are localized in the navel area. Provokes their lack of enzymes, which must produce the pancreas. Their lack in the intestines leads to diarrhea.

By and large, treatment with pancreatitisuncomplicated. The doctor prescribes enzymatic medicines. These drugs are designed to break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Patients are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. They also need to adhere to a strict diet in order to avoid repeated relapse.

Why does a woman have pain around the navel

Crohn's disease

If there was pain around the navel in a child 12-18years, it can provoke Crohn's disease. This disease is almost not found in adults. Has a pronounced symptomatology. It includes a loose stool, often with spotting, sharp pains in the intestines, swelling, spasms in the joints. At risk are the boys. Crohn's disease is diagnosed much more often than in girls.

Pain in pregnant women

Often in pain in the navel area complain pregnantwomen. As a rule, it can be cutting or dull. The factors that cause such problems are many. Let's look at some of the reasons for the pain around the navel in women in the position.

Sometimes the pain occurs due tosprains of the ligament. When the fetus grows, the uterus increases accordingly. This leads to the fact that the organs located side by side move slightly. And this, in turn, causes unpleasant painful spasms.

Also at risk are those women,which are poorly developed abdominal muscles. In this case, the umbilical hernia may appear. In most cases, after the birth, everything comes back to normal without treatment. However, on the last stages of pregnancy, you must always wear a special belt (bandage). But you can not completely ignore this problem. If a woman during this period feels such symptoms as a rapid pulse, severe nausea and constipation, you should immediately consult with your doctor.

Sometimes the pain around the navel in pregnant women canarise from intestinal infection. In this case, the spasm will be cramped. This pathology is accompanied not only by pain, but also by diarrhea, nausea, and also by fever. To delay with treatment in any case it is impossible, as the intestinal infection can become a threat to the life of the baby.

Pain around the navel in pregnant women

Pain in children

Severe pain in the navel may not appearonly in adults, but also in children, and of different ages. For example, infants often have umbilical hernia. It appears due to long crying. Parents should be better prevented the development of this pathology, than to fight against its consequences.

In addition, the pain around the navel canprovoke intestinal parasites. Given that kids constantly pull into their mouths all the objects, helminth infection in them is diagnosed much more often than in adults. With such a pathology, the child will be rather restless, unable to fully sleep. Also, his appetite will worsen, which will lead to weight loss.

Do not exclude and psychogenic pain.They can appear in children from 5 years. For example, at this age they often copy the behavior of adults, so they can really feel spasms. It is very difficult to fight such a problem. The treatment is done by psychiatrists or psychotherapists.

Pain around the navel of a child


As can be seen from the information presented above,reasons that can cause abdominal pain, very much. They are all quite different. Some of them pose a danger to the life of the patient. Therefore, it is important not to delay the visit to the doctor, since this symptom can indicate 20-30 different diseases.

It will be difficult to make a correct diagnosis.At the first admission the doctor will inspect and listen to the patient's complaints. Based on this information will assign a series of analyzes. If this does not help determine the cause of the pain, then you need to do an additional examination (irrigoscopy, ultrasound, colonoscopy).


It is important to remember that the pain near the navel is alarminga symptom that may indicate the development of a serious disease. At the initial stage it is recommended to closely monitor the patient's condition. In no case should one do self-medication or packs to take painkillers. It still will not get rid of the problem, and even, on the contrary, will cause complications. Therefore, the first manifestation of pain should immediately be poisoned by an appointment with a doctor.

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