/ Antiemetic drugs. Which is better to choose?

Antiemetic means. Which is better to choose?

Vomiting, in most cases, is a physiologicala process that facilitates the removal of irritating substances from the stomach. Sometimes it is even strengthened to give a speedy relief to the patient. But sometimes it is a process that accompanies the general state of the whole organism and only aggravates the situation. Various types of diseases, surgical intervention, emotional overexcitation of the body, taking various medications, radiation therapy and overexcitation of the labyrinth apparatus (sea or air sickness), all this can cause vomiting. In such situations, it is necessary to take anti-emetic agents that facilitate the general condition.

All antiemetics work onthe body in different ways and involve different areas of nervous regulation. If we talk about stomach problems, the use of such drugs as anesthesin or novocaine, which relieve spasms and have an analgesic and relaxing effect, will be very effective. And if it is necessary to influence the receptors of the nerve center, which promote vomiting, I take neurotropic drugs. If symptoms of seasickness occur, such anti-emetics as quinolytics are effective. Neuroleptics and antihistamines (diprazine and diphenhydramine) will help. A good soothing agent is fluorinefine, trifazine, metazine, etaperazine and haloperidol, but each of them has side effects, so before using, be sure to read the instructions. Such antiemetics, such as promethazine and meclosin, can be used at various periods of pregnancy and during the postoperative period.

If there is vomiting that is a consequencechemotherapy, it is necessary to take such anti-emetics as troposetron, latren and zofran. They have an effect on serotonin receptors and only supplement the basic treatment aimed at eliminating the main disease, which results in vomiting and nausea. It should be said that all these drugs have a number of side effects and, not to mention serious consequences, can lead to a strong drop in blood pressure, a feeling of drowsiness, depression and inhibition. They have a depressing effect on the nervous system, can create dry mouth and therefore, with great precautions are assigned to children. Recently, anti-emetics have been developed, such as domperidone and scezapride, which relieve vomiting, but do not have side effects.

But not only medical preparations canachieve rapid relief of the patient's condition during vomiting. No less effective in such cases can be and folk medicine, offering a natural remedy for vomiting, natural and not giving side effects. This is a potato, the juice of which must be taken before meals, an alcohol tincture made from mandarin peel, green tea and mint broth. Grated ginger root is especially good for frequent vomiting in pregnant women. Symptoms will quickly pass if you add it daily. It soothes and relieves emetic melissa. Often, with strong vomiting, make a solution of soda (a glass of water one spoonful). It is necessary to stir and immediately drink the entire amount.

При долговременной рвоте необходимо заставлять itself is, often and very small portions, to maintain strength in the body. In each individual case, it is necessary to take into account the mechanism of occurrence of this unpleasant problem and to select appropriate means for vomiting. And in serious protracted cases, the best solution will be immediate help from specialists.

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