/ / Kislovodsk, "Fortress" (sanatorium). Reviews of visitors about the sanatorium

Kislovodsk, "Fortress" (sanatorium). Testimonials about the resort

Today we will discuss in detail the sanatorium "Fortress" (Kislovodsk), reviews about it, its advantages and disadvantages, and much more. Ready? Then we begin!


Hurry to get to Kislovodsk, "Fortress" is a sanatorium that awaits you every day!

There has come the next year, within the framework of which in the near future you have to decide where this time you will go on vacation.

In any case, you will want something new andunusual, despite the fact that the southern exotic resorts give a lot of emotions and vivid impressions. And if it became necessary to improve health, then the city of Kislovodsk, "Fortress" (sanatorium) - the best option for this purpose. He is considered one of the best hospitals in the Caucasus for many reasons.

Thus, you will not only combine rest inwarm exotic lands, but also enjoy the clean mountain air and the healing properties of mountain and mineral waters. With such a holiday, you get the maximum of everything that you can get from it!


Every year, thousands of tourists gather in one of the best sanatoriums in the Caucasus, and self-confident people, charged with the energetics of the mountainous Caucasus and a warm Caucasian summer, leave from here.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, andAlso, diseases of the stomach have all the necessary equipment. The resort employs only professional professionals who will do everything possible to ensure that your state of health returns to normal.

В каждом кабинете установлено самое современное equipment that will effectively take care of your health, and during the rest in the sanatorium you will get a decent result, leave it full of strength and vigorous spirit.

In drawing up a course of treatment, a specialist will find an approach to each patient and will carefully monitor his condition throughout the course of treatment.

Sanatorium "Fortress" (Kislovodsk) - the place from which you will definitely be delighted!


The interior of the sanatorium is so cozy and warm thatyou will be impressed immediately. The most interesting thing is that not a single photo can convey all its beauty - you have to see and evaluate it yourself and, of course, imbued with it.

To see and appreciate the atmosphere, pay attentionfocus on the “Fortress” - sanatorium (Kislovodsk), a photo of which is presented both on the official website of the hotel and in our article. But, nevertheless, to fully appreciate all its beauty and the beauty of the city, you should definitely go there!

From the windows of the sanatorium you can see most of the city. And what could be better than enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature and clean air?

All rooms of the sanatorium are comfortable enough, and they have the best conditions for the stay of guests. To see this, look at the photos, and you will certainly want to visit this place!


Kislovodsk (sanatorium "Fortress", in particular) is considered one of the best places in the Caucasus by chance. Such an assertion is provided by a large number of advantages that you will feel while resting there:

  • new medical technologies and a diverse approach to treatment;
  • comfortable rooms at affordable prices;
  • mountain nature and the opportunity to visit the mineral springs;
  • stunning views;
  • only the most delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • friendly and hospitable staff who will take care to ensure that your stay is at its best.

Если вы планируете отпуск, то старайтесь to combine in it not only pleasant, but also useful. And this means that when you visit such a popular place as the sanatorium “Fortress” (Kislovodsk), you can not only improve your health, but also admire the beauty of the picturesque landscapes of the city and at the same time allow yourself plenty of entertainment both inside and outside the sanatorium. him

The advantages of rest in the sanatorium are indisputable - the hotel staff does everything possible so that it bears the name of the best, and the vacationers visited it more than once.


Every vacationer who plans to visit any of the health resorts in Russia always takes care not only of comfortable rest in his rooms, but also of food.

It must be said that it is far from everywhere and not always.It is of high quality and tasty enough, as many would like. As for the sanatorium "Fortress", the food there is not only very tasty, but to some extent even has healing properties, since the sanatorium is, first of all, health.

If you are going to rest in a sanatorium, then food should be ordered immediately upon purchase of a voucher. It is here three times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner.

G. Kislovodsk, sanatorium
For each individual in the preparation of nutrition taken into account the recommendations of dietitians, so as not to disrupt the course of a course of treatment.

Preference is given to meat, fish and vegetable dishes. In addition, chefs serve guests with meals from cereals.

The baking of the chefs of the sanatorium is popular with holidaymakers: both sweet and other, including dietary.

Food ordering and payment are made at set prices before arriving at a sanatorium.

The services

Sanatorium "Fortress" (Kislovodsk) provides a fairly large range of services. For vacationers in the sanatorium there are special offers and pleasant discounts that will only delight guests!

Attention of visitors is offered a discount upon arrival on Friday and a discount for regular customers. With all the conditions and capabilities can be found on the official website of the sanatorium "Fortress".

Visitors and reviews

Most visitors who have already visited the sanatorium, compare it with other health resorts of the Caucasus, and indeed Russia. They are satisfied and prices, and comfortable rooms, and, of course, food.

Visitors always pay attention to the friendliness of the staff, in most cases he is the person of the establishment, opening the doors to a comfortable and cozy rest.

It is also surprising that the sanatorium "Old Fortress" (Kislovodsk) stands in the park area of ​​the city. This means that nature and clean air are an integral part of a successful treatment outcome.

Leisure at the sanatorium is also top notch.There is a large dance hall, high quality equipment. Theme nights, discos and diverse cultural events are held for guests. The sanatorium still has a library in which visitors celebrate the friendliness and responsiveness of librarians, as well as its warm atmosphere.

Address and time schedule

You can learn all the information about treatment and rest in a sanatorium, as well as make an order for a voucher by phone: (8-879-37) 2-46-47.

The sanatorium “Fortress” is located in the Stavropol Territory, the city of Kislovodsk at the address: Mira Avenue, house number 9. It works and receives calls from visitors around the clock.

Rest and recuperate your health this year in the Caucasus in one of the best resorts in such a beautiful place as the city of Kislovodsk!

Санаторий «Крепость» — лучшая здравница Кавказа.Mountain nature, warm and mild climate, mineral waters and top-level treatment by doctors of medical sciences, the best doctors of Russia - all this is at your service here!


Allow yourself the most unforgettable vacation this year in the sanatorium "Fortress" at the best prices that will pleasantly surprise you!

Come to the sanatorium yourself, with your family and children, feel the effectiveness of the proposed courses of treatment and maximum rest from everything that you are so tired of!

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