/ Belladonna plant. Homeopathy and traditional medicine

Plant belladonna. Homeopathy and traditional medicine

Belladonna - a plant that is still in naturecalled the wolf berry, sleepy foolishness, belladonna, rabid cherry. It is known for its medicinal properties from time immemorial. In the wild, the belladonna grows on the territory of the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, it is also common in Western Europe, North America, and Pakistan.

belladonna homeopathy

Composition and general characteristics

One of the most poisonous for humans isBelladonna plant. In spite of this, homeopathy has nevertheless learned to derive benefit from it. So, dark peaked leaves serve as a basis for healing extracts. It is recommended to harvest them during the flowering period and it should be done with extreme caution: poisonous juice should not get into the mouth or eyes. The plant itself is easily confused with wild cherries, as their fruits are very similar.

Атропин, гиосциамин, алкалоиды – это ядовитые substances that are rich in belladonna. Homeopathy and traditional medicine can use them for medicinal purposes. In particular, plant alkaloids anesthetize, relieve spasms in smooth muscles, normalize the activity of the heart, urinary system, digestion, and expand the bronchi. Like any other homeopathic remedy, the extract should be taken in a strictly defined dosage. Otherwise, atropine may cause respiratory arrest.

Belladonna. Homeopathy and traditional medicine

belladonna homeopathy instruction
The beneficial properties of atropine are widely used whentreatment of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, gallstone disease, bronchial asthma. The ability of this substance to expand the pupil and increase the intraocular pressure is used by ophthalmologists in the form of drops of atropine sulfate to study the fundus of the eye. In cases of morphine and acetylcholine poisoning, it is used as an antidote. Belladonna extract is also included in rectal suppositories, which heal cracks and relieve pain in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Dry leaves are the basis for creating a cure for asthma.

The beneficial qualities of belladonna have long beenused by homeopaths. This mainly applies to lung diseases, digestive system, neurological diseases, rheumatism. Proponents of unconventional treatments consider the words inseparable: belladonna - homeopathy. Instructions for use of this tool exist, and it should be followed. The standard dosage is a drop of tincture for 3 spoons of water. But it can be increased to 1 drop for 30 drops of water in difficult cases: epilepsy, enuresis, migraine.

belladonna plant

Features of use and contraindications

When taking any medication based on poisonousplants must adhere to the specified amount of the substance, otherwise you can harm the body. Dry mouth, dilated pupils, and rapid heartbeat may indicate the smallest overdose. Significant overdose causes discoordination, fever, accommodation disturbance, clouding of consciousness, hallucinations. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to carry out procedures that promote the removal of the drug from the body. This may be taking a laxative or an adsorbing drug, as well as gastric lavage.

The period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as the presenceGlaucoma - these are cases where the use of drugs that include belladonna is prohibited. Homeopathy strongly recommends following these guidelines.

In addition to the enormous benefits of using thisplants, there is the possibility of poisoning it with berries that are perceived by people (often children) as edible. If this happens, it should, as in any other poisoning, immediately flush the stomach, letting the victim drink a solution of potassium permanganate to induce vomiting.

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