/ / Why do I have back pain in my spine?

Why do I have back pain in the spine?

With pain in the lower back is encounteredalmost all - according to statistics, she is familiar to four out of five. The causes of discomfort may be different, but it's not always pleasant in this. To get rid of discomfort, you need

Back pain in spine
to understand what exactly is their cause. So, what most often causes back pain, in the spine?

Wrong position during work or sleep

Большинство из нас ежедневно просиживает за a computer table for ten hours. Communication with a set of messages further promotes stoop, increasing pain in the neck, shoulders and back. Try to take breaks more often and perform an uncomplicated complex for the neck muscles. It is enough to make a couple of tilts neck to side, as well as back and forth, briefly stiffening in each position. The sitting position in some cases can also be dangerous. Try to arrange the elements of the workplace correctly, with the monitor at the eye level, elbows and knees at a right angle and steadily located on the floor. Optimal to take breaks every two hours. To lower back pain in the spine, you need to be able to and sleep properly. It is not recommended to fall asleep on the abdomen, so there is excessive pressure on the muscles and joints. The position on the back or side allows the spine to relax. If you can not fall asleep in other poses and necessarily lay down on your stomach, try

Pain in the spine below the lower back
Put under the pelvis a small thin cushion to reduce the load on the muscles. To prevent back pain in the spine will help also the right mattress. It should be of medium rigidity and thickness.

Wrong way of life

If you do not know how to control emotions and livein a state of constant stress, pain in the spine above the lower back will not slow to appear. Loosened psyche leads to tension in the muscles of the back and shoulders, causing discomfort in the spine. Doing sports, meditation, deep breathing and other ways to relax will help get rid of the pain. Pain in the spine below the waist or other discomfort can be caused by smoking. Cigarettes affect not only the heart and lungs, they also disrupt blood circulation in the spine and discs. Increased risk of injury, there is a constant unpleasant feeling. The ability of the body to absorb calcium is reduced. To forget about bad habits is the best contribution to bone health. Finally, the cause of poor health may be a lack of activity. If you constantly lie and remain passive, restoring your back may be delayed. Walking, swimming, yoga relieve pain in the lower back, in the spine, in the muscles.

Pain in the spine above the lower back
Any activity is more beneficial to the body than a complete lack of movement.

Wrong shoes and accessories

Finally, the causes of discomfort can be hidden inpoorly selected shoes. A high heel or a completely flat sole harm the spine. Sandals and flip flops also support the foot badly, which can cause pain in the back and knees. Try to alternate the types of shoes and do not wear the same pair every day. Choose shoes in size and with good support. The bag should also be comfortable. Do not stuff it with heavy objects, wear only on a wide strap and over your shoulder.

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