/ / A few tips on how to treat barley on the eye

A few tips on how to treat barley on the eye

Most people have faced such a problem,like barley on the eye. It is worth noting that with this disease it is unlikely that someone will go to the doctor, because it can be quickly and effectively disposed of at home. So what do you need to do? How is barley treated for the eye?

how to treat barley on the eye

About the disease

Why can barley appear?It's simple - this is the sebaceous gland of the age. This can happen if you touch the eyes with dirty hands. In women, the problem can arise if, for example, bacteria accumulate on the brush for the carcass. The disease itself passes through three main stages: itching and redness, the appearance of a pimple (pustule) and its dissection. It is worth noting that if the disease has already begun, it will not stop, you will have to go through all three stages. The average recovery period is a week. However, with the right approach, you can fully recover and after 3-4 days.


Grandmothers say that you can get rid of barleyusing the usual red thread. It should be tied to the index and middle fingers of the left hand in the form of a figure-eight, while pronouncing words that contribute to a quick recovery. However, not everyone in our time trusts such means.

barley treatment on the eye ointment


How is barley treated for the eye?Any dry heat can help. It will greatly accelerate the process of ripening and dissection of abscess. The procedure should be approximately two to three times a day for 20 minutes. Soon, barley will open and the problem will disappear.


It is also possible drug treatment of barley foreye. Ointment tetracycline and erythromycin will perfectly cope with the problem. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action will destroy the pathogens of the infection, and the problem will be resolved sooner. Apply an ointment on the eyelid 2-3 times a day before the full emptying of the pustule. Helps the albucid, as well as other antiseptics, which relieve inflammation and prevent the development of complications. What is the treatment for barley on the eye? With strong swelling of the eye, you can use a solution of dexamethasone. But this medication should be used very carefully and only with the permission of the doctor.

barley on the eye symptoms treatment


How barley is treated with the help of folkmeans? Various ways of getting rid of such a problem are suggested. The first of them: you need to bake an onion and apply it to a sick eye. Periodically change it to a tampon, soaked in tea brew. Do the procedure constantly before the breakthrough of the pustule. You can heat barley and with the help of an egg. It must be welded, wrapped in tissue and applied to a sore spot. Eliminate the decoction of calendula from barley (a tablespoon of a glass of boiling water). Wet them a cotton swab and apply to the abscess. Aloe vera juice mixed with water (1:10) can be used as lotions.

What you should not do

Knowing what is barley on the eye (symptoms,treatment), you need to remember a few simple rules about what to do is not worth it. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out barley by hand. So the infection can spread further, and the condition will worsen. It is better not to be treated with drugs that contain alcohol, because they can just burn the mucous membrane in a sloppy application.

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