/ / Is tapeworm dangerous in fish?

Is tapeworm dangerous in fish?

If you saw in the cutting of fish in ittape worm, it is better to throw it away immediately. After all, this parasite lays its larvae in meat, so you risk getting infected, even if you decide to clean it well and only then eat it. Of course, many people say that heat treatment disinfects meat, and it becomes suitable for eating, the main thing is to boil it well or fry it. But everyone must decide for themselves whether he can eat it with the larvae of parasites. By the way, the infected meat is different from the usual, it is not so tasty and less nutritious.

Tapeworm in fish
Most often, tapeworm in fish is found in freshwater reservoirs. The most prone to infection are carp: bream, roach, roach, rudd. From the intestine of the fish, where it comes with food, the parasite moves to the abdominal cavity, where it grows. Sometimes there are specimens that grow more than a meter in length. They squeeze all the internal organs of the fish until they atrophy completely. When the worm becomes too large, the sides of the fish burst, and the causative agent of the disease enters the water.

If you like fishing, you will be able to determine,whether there is a tapeworm in the fish, even before you catch it. Infected specimens will always float on the surface of the water. This is due to the fact that the worm that settles inside the fish disrupts the swim bladder, and the fish simply can not sink to the bottom. Do not rejoice in easy prey and catch weakened animals that float on the surface of the water.

What does a tapeworm look like in a fish
A particular danger of a tapeworm in fish is represented inif it is not subjected to heat treatment. For example, pickling or cold smoking does not harm the larvae of the parasite and the person who consumes such meat for food is likely to get infected. Many people who fish for resale, will not confuse the tapeworm in the fish. They just clean it and salute it in the usual way. So, an infected individual can get to you on the table if you like to buy salted or smoked fish in the market from unfamiliar sellers.

If you buy raw uncleaned individuals orgo fishing yourself, then you are more likely to see for yourself how the solitaire looks in the fish. When cutting the belly, you will notice a long white tapeworm - this is the described parasite. Despite the fact that meat can be eaten after heat treatment, not everyone will decide on this step after what they saw.

After infection with a tape worm leads to a lossappetite, abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, intestinal disorders, insomnia. This disease can inflict huge damage to human health: the worm does not just settle in the intestine, its larvae can affect the lungs, muscles, liver and even the brain.

Tapeworm in fish photo
If you saw a cut bream in the belly orcarp something suspicious, it's better to put off the find and see how the tapeworm looks in the fish. The photos posted in this article will help you understand exactly what you found. Only after you understand what parasite you are dealing with, you can decide the fate of the fish. But in any case, do not forget that only high-quality heat treatment can kill the larvae of the parasite.

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