The trade mark ACUVUE ("Akuyev") is one of thembrands world-famous company Johnson & Johnson. For the first time contact lenses of this company appeared on the American market in 1986. At first, the period of their wearing was about 7 days. But over time, thanks to the development of new technologies and the improvement of production, the operating life of the lenses was reduced to 1 day.
Advantages of one-day ACUVUE lenses
To date, under the brand ACUVUElenses are reusable, which are designed for 2 weeks, and one-day. The invention of the latter is still considered one of the most important achievements of the company's scientists.

One-day lenses "Akuyev" have a number of significant advantages. Here are some of them:
- Ease of use and care.All day-old lenses are sold individually. They do not require the purchase of special containers and care products. At the end of the working day, the used lens is sent to the trash can along with all the microbes that accumulated on its surface during this time.
- Eye health.One-day lenses provide a feeling of hydration throughout the whole working day. Due to the intake of oxygen to the eyes, they are less tired. As with reusable contact lenses, everyday ones also provide protection against the dangerous effects of ultraviolet rays, but at the same time reduce the risk of allergy.
- A full-fledged vision.One-day contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye have been specially developed for people who suffer from nearsightedness and farsightedness, but do not want to additionally buy lens containers and special care products.
- Comfort. Hygienically clean one-day lenses provide not only a full-fledged vision, but freshness. Even after a long working day they are not felt before our eyes.
Contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye. HYDRACLEAR technology
One-day lenses brand ACUVUEare made of a modern soft silicone hydrogel material. What he really is? Silicone-hydrogel is a specially developed material that provides a 100% penetration of oxygen to the eyes. The capacity of the presented contact lenses Akuview is 118 units, then for the hydroleval lenses the maximum value of this indicator is determined at the level of 80 units. It is thanks to oxygen that the eyes do not blush with fatigue and maintain a healthy appearance. They can be worn without harm to health for more than 12 hours.

Silicone-hydrolysis contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUETruEye not only allows the eyes to breathe, but also ensures their constant moisturizing throughout the day. This was achieved thanks to modern technology HYDRACLEAR. What is its uniqueness? The standard contact lens is moistened only from the outside. After a certain time, the moisture evaporates. Thus, after a few hours of wearing, the usual lens completely dries. The surface of the eye is irritated, causing their redness.
Contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye withHYDRACLEAR technology has always been moistened. The moisture in them is not only on the surface, but is also enclosed inside. Thus, the developers managed to create truly unique contact lenses with a 100% access of oxygen to the eye and its constant moistening for daily comfortable wearing.
Customer Reviews
For many people with poor eyesight, the choice of lensesoften becomes a real problem. Most of them cause dryness and irritation of the eyes, and require daily care. Unlike others, daily lenses "Akuyev" fit everything, as evidenced by customer feedback.

Here are some of them:
- Wearing a lens is comfortable. They are not felt in front of, do not dry and do not irritate them.
- They are convenient to put on and take off.
- You do not need to buy storage containers and additional lens care products.
- They are invisible before our very eyes.
- There is no need for additional moistening.
- Contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye 90 are hygienically clean and safe.
Negative feedback about the products of "Akuyev" practically does not occur.
Contact lenses ACUVUE 1 DAY TruEye: the price per packing
The only thing that does not suit buyers of lenses- price. Not all people with poor eyesight can afford to replace them daily. So, for example, contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye 30, which is enough for 15 days of use, cost about 850 rubles. Only for the first month they will have to spend 1,700 rubles.

Buy contact lenses 1 DAY ACUVUE TruEye 90a little more profitable. One package is enough for 45 days, and they cost 2500 rubles. On sale are daily lenses, designed for 3 months. Their number in the package is 180 pieces, and the price is 5 thousand rubles.