/ / "Kuplaton" for newborns: reviews, features of use and composition

Kuplaton for newborns: reviews, features of use and composition

It's no secret that often the biggest problemyoung moms are colic, tormenting their babies. Looking at her crumbs, she is ready to do anything to make the child feel better. Extreme throwing is not necessary, the drug "Kuplaton" for newborns with colic will help, the reviews confirm this. We will talk about them later, but for now we will study other information.

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Mechanism of action

Родители, чтобы помочь своим малышам, выбирают safe and effective at the same time. “Kuplaton” is the very drug that will save the baby from painful sensations. First, a little about what colic. A simple explanation is: air bubbles that have accumulated in the intestines. As a result, an organ swelling occurs, causing pain. It is necessary to save the baby from the accumulated air. Will help "Kuplaton" for newborns with colic. Reviews, sounding from the mouths of mothers, indicate that the drug is a white liquid. On the mechanism of action and appearance, it resembles "Espumizan." Drops will help not only the crumbs, but also pregnant and lactating women. Although there is a conversation that the remedy is harmless, it will not hurt to consult a doctor. The drug has a complex effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to him, spasm and pain are removed, colic goes away, digestion is improved.

Structure of the preparation

Начнем с того, что "Куплатон" производится в Of Finland. Its active component is dimethicone. It is contained in the preparation of 0.3 grams. Excipients are also present: silicon dioxide, water, saccharin sodium, glyceryl monostearate, polyoxidelen stearate.

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Диметикон считается более эффективным, чем simethicone, because it has a different formula. It is considered a surface-active polysiloxane, making less surface tension. Due to this process, small gas bubbles are combined into large ones. That is why the Kuplaton for newborns (women's reviews confirm this) splits air bubbles faster, enables them to go outside or be absorbed by the intestines. The child quickly passes bloating and pain syndrome disappears.

This remedy is also called carminative; it does not remain in the baby’s stomach, but is eliminated along with the feces.

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Indications and contraindications for use

Like all other drugs, Kuplaton has indications for use and contraindications. First, let's talk about the first:

  • flatulence;
  • ultrasound, x-rays;
  • severe gas formation after surgery.

We must not forget that the "Kuplaton" fornewborns with colic is not always suitable. Reviews of parents confirm that in no case should it be given to the baby if he does not tolerate the components that make up the drug. Otherwise, an allergic reaction begins. Another thing that parents should know: there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the tool will help alleviate the baby’s condition. The selection of drugs in this case is individual, but worth a try. Maybe it is just what your little one needs.

Do not forget that before giving the child droplets, you should consult with a specialist. You will be sure that you do not harm your child.

In Confirmation: Consumer Opinions

Children's colic is a stress for young mothers.Having tried everything in the world, many of them preferred Kuplaton to Finnish for newborns. Feedback from them is only positive. After several weeks of torment, having tried not only all the folk remedies, but also medicines, they found what saved the crumbs, and them. Anxious evenings and nights were left behind, the distention of the tummy and colic ceased to disturb the child. Finally, the time has come when you can rest at night. And all thanks to the usual white droplets, odorless, but sweet in taste. They save both day and night, as soon as the baby has problems with the intestines, the “helper” is right there. An effective tool, but be sure to follow the instructions for use. And another tip: it is advisable to use the drug only after talking with a pediatrician. After all, the health of the baby - this is important.

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Instructions for use

Before giving the baby medicinaldrug, be sure to read the instructions for use. After all, the effectiveness of treatment depends on it. And although the Kuplaton is considered harmless for newborns (expert reviews are proof of this), nevertheless one must be careful and follow the recommendations.

Having taken a vial in your hands, be sure to shake it well to dissolve the precipitate.

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With colic and flatulence, crumbs frombirth and up to six months assigned to four drops of funds before each feeding. You can take another medication before bedtime. The drug is used both in pure form and diluted in breast milk. The agent is used until colic stops. You can use a long time "Kuplaton" for newborns. Instructions (reviews are useful to read before use) reports: after the bubble is open, it must be used within three months. If the droplets remain, no matter how sorry you are, throw the drug away.

More opinions

Young mothers believe only the same mothers.After all, they also survive, do not sleep at night, when their crumbs suffer. Trying to find a tool that will save the kids. One of them are drops "Kuplaton" for newborns. Reviews of this drug only positive. Parents are pleased with the fact that a small dosage is required, it is easy for the child to swallow drops. And one more thing: the viscous consistency of the medicine does not allow to drop too much. You can add to all the above advantages - a handy tube, just press a little and a drop comes out. In addition, there is an accumulation effect, and it is possible to use this tool for a long time, although expert advice on this issue will not hurt.

The drug really helps, babyit becomes calmer, but all that is necessary: ​​four drops before feeding - and there is no problem. A good and inexpensive remedy for colic - Kuplaton for newborns. Reviews, the price, which varies from 375 to 716 rubles, attract young mothers. Thanks to the suspension, the child cries less, and the terrible sleepless nights are left behind.

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Cases of drug overdose were not observed.Side effects - only allergic reactions in rare cases. It is stored in a dark place at a temperature of from fifteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius. Replace "Kuplaton" for newborns (pediatricians suggest):

  • "Bobotikom";
  • drops "Displatil";
  • suspension "Infacol" and other drugs.
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