/ / Treatment of sinusitis at home and in the hospital

Treatment of sinusitis at home and in the hospital

This unpleasant disease can lurk eachof us, regardless of the way of life. Acute antritis, whose treatment was untimely or delayed, may be fraught with complications. To avoid them, you must strictly follow the advice of a doctor. But, in addition to visiting a polyclinic, parallel treatment of the genyantritis of the house is equally important. This implies both compliance with the regime, and the use of some popular means as supportive.

treatment of sinusitis at home

Treatment of sinusitis at home and in the hospital

Painful sinus puncture is what they wantavoid many patients. Let's try to understand how necessary this measure is. Inflammation of the additional sinuses of the nose may appear due to a prolonged runny nose, a protracted cold or a viral infection. One of the little-known, but quite common causes can be called problems with the upper teeth - purulent pulpitis can lead to the fact that you need treatment of sinusitis. At home, this disease is easy to diagnose for a number of symptoms. In addition to accompanying any runny nose stuffiness, there are headaches (they are more often localized in the nose, forehead and temples), high temperature. A characteristic sign of sinusitis can be called loss of smell - even the sharp smells cease to be palpable.

acute sinusitis treatment
Headache intensifies towards evening.First, the patient feels it in the forehead, then it spreads even to the crown and back of the head. The general condition of the body also worsens - fatigue increases, concentration decreases, it is difficult for a person to perform even easy physical work. Due to the fact that the nose is constantly laid, the full supply of oxygen to the brain becomes impossible. If you do not start at this time treatment of sinusitis, at home or in the hospital, then it will go into a purulent stage. And this is much more dangerous and can have serious consequences, up to the front and meningitis. Pharmacotherapy brings relief in the case of acute sinusitis. The course of antibiotics can quickly improve the overall condition. Often the purification of the paranasal sinuses is used by puncture (puncture). If the maxillary sinusitis does not manage to become chronic, then this procedure should be followed by rapid relief. It is important to understand at what stage the disease is.
genyantritis folk methods of treatment

Sinusitis. Traditional methods of treatment

After examination and consultation with a doctorit is possible to use some proven methods at home. The main thing is that they do not contradict the general course prescribed by a specialist. Treating sinusitis at home with the help of folk remedies can help improve the overall condition of the patient. An effective means are warming up - a boiled egg wrapped in a clean cloth, or a blue lamp (Minin reflector). However, if the sinusitis has passed into a purulent stage, this method can cause significant harm. Harmful and effective are the drops of aloe juice or Kalanchoe. Honey inhalations are carried out in the following way: honey and anestezine are put in hot water and breathe the steam rising above this mixture until it cools. Such procedures are very effective and do not have side effects.

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