/ / Technology of sex. Female ejaculation ..

Technique of sex. Female ejaculation ..

As practice shows, not only for men ejaculation is peculiar. How this process takes place in women, let's look at this article.

Female ejaculation (squirting) is an inkjetfemale orgasm. With a very strong excitation, a large amount of fluid is ejected from the vagina. As a rule, female ejaculate is a powerful stream. According to sexologists, this fluid consists of a lubricant that appears when excited, a fluid that is usually released when orgasm comes, and secretions from the point G.

It may seem strange, but somemen, female ejaculation is perceived as a natural, and in some cases, an inevitable process. While some women refer her to involuntary urination. Nevertheless, most women experience very vivid emotions and strong orgasms.

According to the results of laboratory studies, the femaleEjaculate contains a certain amount of glucose (more than in urine), creatinine and urea. The last two components are present in the urine, however, in the ejaculate their percentage is extremely low. In addition, it contains so-called prostatic phosphoric acid, which is one of the components of the male sperm.

The development of the fluid emitted by the woman occurs in the perioretal glands located in the tissues surrounding the urethra.

It should be noted that not always (femaleejaculation) is accompanied by the ejection of a large jet. In many cases, ejaculate is released in small amounts, which, in principle, does not reduce the strength of orgasm in such cases.

According to the stories of some women whocharacteristic of female ejaculation, whitish fluid, ejected by the vagina, has more stringency than urine. Ejaculate, they say, changes its taste and smell several times a month. The taste can be a bit spicy at first, then become sour-tart. About three days before the start of menstruation, it can become sweet.

As a rule, at the first influences on point G, the woman feels the urge to emit urine, however it decreases as her excitement increases.

There are some simple tricks how to speed up ejaculation.

A woman can quite produce stimulation andto test orgasm yourself without the help of a partner. And with a certain emancipation and experience of partners, you can get unforgettable sensations from joint exposure and (very often) simultaneous orgasm.

The beginning of any stimulation is made by smooth and gentle movements.

First one or two fingers are inserted into thevagina with a small cushion up. With a sufficient degree of excitation, finding the point G is not difficult. Smooth, slightly rhythmic and slow movements of the fingers bend to the palm of your hand. The same zone outside is stimulated by the thumb of the same hand. The movement of the fingers inside the vagina can be circular.

It is very convenient to produce stimulation in a pose"Behind". At the same time, a woman can stand on her knees, resting her elbows on the bed, or standing on her straightened legs, leaning forward and leaning against the wall or table, or bath, or other object nearby. In this case, for internal stimulation, it is better to use the thumb of the hand, and all the others to work on this area from the outside. In addition, you can caress the anus with tongue, lips or fingers. At the same time, it is necessary to act very delicately, so as not to frighten your woman and not to hurt her. On the emotional state of a woman, it becomes clear about the approaching ejaculation. To allow the fluid to leave the vagina without hindrance, it is better to remove the fingers from it.

The more the G point is stimulated, the more vigorous will be female ejaculation.

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