/ / Rocs (remineralizing gel): reviews and instructions

Rocs (remineralizing gel): reviews and instructions

Our teeth are one of the hardest tissues.organism, however they are subject to carious processes. This is due to the fact that tooth enamel, unlike other substances, lacks the ability to regenerate, that is, it does not recover after destruction. Almost all defects are treated only by filling, and if the zone of destruction is too extensive, resort to the use of orthopedic structures. Save teeth, preventing damage to the enamel, you can use remineralization. This procedure will ensure the entry of necessary elements into the dental tissue that will strengthen them and reduce the risk of caries.

Rocs (remineralizing gel)

Why does tooth decay occur?

Participate in the development of this processseveral factors. First of all, these are carbohydrates and microorganisms. Bacteria are able to break down carbohydrates from food and lingering on the crown. As a result, lactic acid is released, which destroys the enamel. Additional precipitating factors are the acid reaction of saliva, insufficient salivation, and the lack of calcium, phosphorus and other elements. Prevention of caries using a remineralizing gel is associated with the delivery of these substances, as well as reducing the number of bacteria. For the procedure, dentists recommend Rocs-remineralizing gel. Feedback will be given below.

rocs tooth gel

Enamel: features and composition

The hardest fabric is tooth enamel, whichcovers his crown and is located above the dentin. The thickness of this layer varies in different areas. Thus, in the neck area the enamel is the thinnest, and on the occlusal (chewing) surface its thickness is maximum.

The hardness of tooth enamel can be explained by its composition,because it is 96% inorganic. The main ones are hydroxyapatite and fluorapatite. An important role is played by such elements as calcium, copper, aluminum, which are uniformly distributed in the fabric. Also important are iron, zinc and lead - they are concentrated mainly in the surface layer. Remineralization therapy is based on the replenishment of the number of these elements, which allows to strengthen the enamel and suspend the initial stage of caries.

Rocs tooth gel

Drug company Rocs

Rocs (remineralizing gel) has long beenhas established itself in the market. Many dentists advise this particular drug as the most affordable and effective. In its composition are the elements necessary for tooth enamel, namely the calcium, magnesium and phosphorus described above. It is worth noting that in this list there is no fluoride, which makes the gel safe for children. In addition, the composition contains xylitol, which has a bacteriostatic effect, thereby improving the hygienic condition of the oral cavity, as well as additional prevention of caries. Gel for teeth Rocs (instructions below) has a comfortable texture that allows you to evenly distribute it over the surface. It forms a film that is hardly washed off by saliva, therefore, the components of the gel penetrate the enamel longer, exerting its effect. However, for greater convenience during home remineralization, dentists recommend using kappa. This option is also necessary for children who are sure to try to taste the gel.

Although fluoride is also importantcomponent of the enamel should not be allowed to enter the body in large quantities. The absence of this element in the gel makes it completely safe if swallowed and can be used for children and in regions where there is a high content of fluoride in the water. In addition, this element is contraindicated in some diseases, including pathology of the thyroid gland and kidneys, osteoporosis. It will not be difficult to use Rocs (remineralizing gel). The instructions will help in this matter.

What is gel for?

The main function of the drug is to strengthen the enamel.The gel is recommended for prevention of caries, as well as if there are already active carious processes at the initial stage - in the stage of white spot. During this period, the enamel is small, and the defect appears as a white matte area. In order to prevent the progression of the process, dentists prescribe a course of remineralizing therapy. In addition, the drug helps with the increased sensitivity of teeth. Additional positive effects are slight bleaching and the appearance of shine. Xylitol, which is part of the gel, helps to maintain hygiene, thereby not only reducing the risk of caries, but also improves the condition of the mucous membrane. Rocs dental gel must be prescribed after bleaching and correction with the bracket system.

rocs gel to strengthen teeth

Rocs (remineralizing gel): instructions

How to use Rocs, remineralizing gel? Reviews of this drug are not always positive, but this can only be associated with improper use.

The gel is applied to the surface of the teeth in the form of a film.Before this, the enamel should be thoroughly cleaned of plaque, which is necessary to achieve the maximum effect. The frequency of remineralization procedures - 2 times a day. Dentists recommend using gel in the morning after eating on cleaned teeth, as well as before bedtime.

Существует два варианта применения препарата.Everyone can choose the one that is convenient. The first is without the use of a mouth guard, when the Rocs remineralizing gel is applied with a brush or a special applicator. After that, you can not rinse your mouth and eat about 40-60 minutes. The second method involves the use of mouthguards. It is considered more convenient, especially when carrying out remineralization in children. The gel is placed first in the tray, then put it on the teeth. The exposure time should be no more than 30 minutes. If the procedure is performed in children, it will be reduced to 10 minutes. However, the effect of the gel does not end there. Excess drug after removing the tray should be spat out, but you can not rinse your mouth and eat food for about 30 minutes.

Rocs remineralizing gel reviews

Use in children

There is no doubt that the drug is safe foradults, but can it be used for children? Thanks to the gentle composition, it will not harm the children's body. The gel is recommended to be applied even to babies for the prevention of caries. If a child swallows a little gel, it will not affect his health. On the contrary, there is an improvement in the state of not only enamel, but also in the whole oral cavity due to the fact that the gel affects bacteria, inhibiting their growth and reproduction. It is especially necessary to use such a product if the child has been treated with a bracket system. And it is worth choosing Rocs - remineralizing gel. Reviews prove high efficiency.

remineralizing gel rocs


Rocs Tooth Gel is completely safe.for both children and adults, but we should not forget about the possibility of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. To begin with, it is recommended to use a small amount of gel for 10-15 minutes. If after the procedure appeared hyperemia and itching, you should not use the drug. It is better to contact your dentist, who will offer an alternative. Cases of allergy to the remineralizing gel Rocs are very rare, therefore, as a rule, the drug is suitable for almost all patients. The advantage of the gel is the absence of fluorine, which allows its use for people with osteoporosis and diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys.

Rocs (remineralizing gel): reviews

rocs gel instruction

They are usually positive.Dentists say that most patients note a decrease in tooth sensitivity, as well as a slight lightening of their color and the return of natural shine. On examination, the suspension of the carious process in the stain stage is noted, and with a full course of remineralization, its complete disappearance. In addition, those who tried this gel noticed an improvement in the condition of the gums. The lack of effect can only talk about the wrong or irregular use of the drug. Rocs gel to strengthen the teeth, can not affect the enamel beneficial.

Why use a paste if the gel cleans your teeth perfectly?

The mistake of some patients is to usegel on uncleaned teeth. They argue that the gel already has antibacterial properties. In no case should we forget about brushing your teeth, because the gel does not replace it, but only complements it. Such an incorrect application not only does not lead to the desired effect, but also worsens the situation. Rocs, gel should be applied correctly (instructions are given in addition to the preparation).

Remineralization can effectively strengthentooth enamel, which is an excellent prevention of caries. Regular carrying out of such procedure will allow to preserve the health and aesthetic appearance of the teeth. However, it should be remembered that Rocs (remineralizing gel) should be used only after consulting a dentist.

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