/ / Oregano - application in medicine and not only

Oregano - application in medicine and not only

The motherland of the oregano is the Mediterranean,it is distributed practically throughout Europe, in Russia this plant can be found at any point, except for the Northern regions. The oregano grows in the forest-steppe and steppe zone, on the fringes, meadows, in open dry places, on the slopes of the hills, its stems are erect, purple in color. A herbaceous plant is used in folk and traditional medicine. It can grow to 900 mm, as a raw material, grass without roots is used, rough stems are usually not used, because they contain few vitamins.

The most qualitative is the raw material collectedduring flowering (from June to September). The collected grass is tied in bundles, they must be dried in special well-ventilated dryers, under a canopy or roof in the shade. The drying temperature should be no more than 35 degrees, at a higher temperature, valuable essential oil is volatilized. The dried oregano is processed on a large-mesh sieve, stored in tightly sealed glass containers for about three years. The plant has a fragrant smell and bitter-astringent taste.

By chemical composition, the grass is rich in tanning and coloringsubstances, contains a lot of essential oil and free alcohols, and vitamin C is also present in it. The listed components are very useful in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. During the illness, oregano is added to the tea. Also this plant is included in the composition of nursing fees - this is due to its disinfectant and antispastic (expectorant) properties.

In medical practice, oregano is found ina kind of soothing infusions with chronic insomnia, nervous diseases, it is recommended for almost all disorders of the nervous system. Well-established infusion in the treatment of bronchitis, as an expectorant and diaphoretic.

In addition, the infusion of oregano is used in the treatmenturological diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseases, seizures, hypertension and a number of other ailments. A great healing power in relation to many health problems is the juice of oregano, mixed with honey, which should be taken regularly, on a tablespoon.

Ocher broth oregano used forinflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, for the preparation of aromatic baths. Oregano oil is used for toothache, and also used in external ointments. With a cold and headaches, you can sniff finely ground flowers and leaves of oregano.

Traditional medicine advises drinking decoction broth atthe appearance of pain in the heart, stomach, with gynecological diseases, nervous diseases, insomnia, colds, coughs, etc. Tea from the herb oregano, infusion in a mixture with chamomile and sage - these drinks national medicine assigns a large role. Traditional healers practice the treatment of various wounds using the decoction of a herb such as oregano. The use of this decoction also helps in the treatment of pertussis and bronchitis (for therapeutic baths). To do this, a liter of water boils a hundred grams of grass, insist about 10 minutes, then add to the prepared bath.

Oregano application has not onlytraditional and folk medicine, it is actively used in cooking and perfumery. The leaves of the plant are a wonderful spicy additive to meat and vegetable dishes, salads and homemade cakes, sausage and ham. Perfume industry uses a pleasant smell of plant essential oil for the preparation of ointments and soaps. In the application of oregano and its components there are limitations. It is not recommended to use oregano in severe forms of heart disease and pregnancy. It is undesirable to use it also for hypertension, chronic gastritis, ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

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