Your baby is a little unhealthy, but he is so boredbe treated at home? This situation is familiar to many parents, it acquires special relevance in the spring and summer, when there is excellent warm weather outside the window and the sun shines. Is it possible to walk with the child at a temperature? Such a question we ask the doctor to get his consent for the long-awaited walk. Let's talk about whether there are universal recommendations for such situations, useful tips and necessary restrictions.
So, whether to walk with a sick child?If your child has only snot from the symptoms of malaise, do not rush to write off everything for a cold. It is quite possible that your baby has an allergy. In this case, a walk in the fresh air can be a real salvation, of course, if the potential allergen is not outside the apartment (for example, pollen from flowering trees). If the baby suffers from something located in the room, take care of daily long walks, it will greatly facilitate his condition. However, the allergen must be removed from the apartment on a mandatory basis.
A positive effect has a finding onstreet and with residual cough. Air contributes to the improvement of blood circulation in the respiratory tract, which, in turn, provokes easier sputum waste. Quiet walks will help the child to overcome the disease much faster.
Is it possible to walk with the child at a temperature?Unfortunately, doctors will not give a universal answer to this question, each situation must be considered individually. There are opinions that you can not go outside at a body temperature of 38 degrees, other recommendations contain information about the numbers 37.5 and 37 degrees. Among other things, some pediatricians will recommend that you maintain insulation in the home walls for three whole days after the general condition has been normalized. It is believed that the child’s immunity is extremely weakened, and he can pick up the infection again. Pay attention to your baby, if the disease does not affect his condition negatively, then an easy walk can be very useful.
If you answered yes to your questionabout whether it is possible to walk with the child at a temperature, and also secured the consent of the doctor, approach with special attention to his wardrobe. It is not worth too much to muffle a baby, because there is a great chance that he will sweat, then he will freeze, and his condition will significantly worsen from such a temperature difference. In the warm season, dress according to the weather, in the fall and in the winter - a little warmer than usual. When frost, strong wind and rain walk with a sick child is not recommended.
When deciding whether you can walk with your child at a temperature or not, do not forget to observe a number of useful recommendations, they will help you protect your baby’s immunity. So, these include the following tips:
Is it possible to walk with a child with SARS and flu?This question is not only related to the health of your baby, but also with a certain ethics, because it can infect healthy children walking on the playground. Try to limit the contact of your child with others as much as possible, spend a walk in deserted places, parks or woods, that is, where the maximum air circulation takes place. Do not take your child to an educational institution for children during illness; this is a direct way to infect other children.
Answering the question of whether you can walk witha child on the street, when he has a fever, remember, your main adviser is a doctor, not neighbors or the Internet. Every kid is individual and feels himself even with the most common cold in absolutely different ways. Be sure to coordinate your actions with the pediatrician, because sometimes it happens that behind the first external symptoms of acute respiratory infections lies a much more serious disease.