Cough is one of the first and most frequentsymptoms of colds. It can be of two types: dry and wet. The first of these features an irritating effect on the bronchial mucosa and does not work very well on the whole organism. Moist cough does not have any special advantages, but, in comparison with dry, it lends itself to faster treatment.
It is unpleasant when a cough occurs in children, themore infancy. It always delivers a lot of excitement and emotion to parents, and the question of choosing a cure is "edge". Cough syrups for children up to a year are prescribed only by a pediatrician and are by no means chosen independently. Parents quite often make the mistake of engaging in the treatment of their child on their own. Only a specialist can correctly prescribe the drug, because the active substance contained in it can be directed to treatment of one type of cough, and the child will have a completely different.
Cough syrups for children under one year are created, inmostly on a plant basis. Synthetic drugs at this age are extremely undesirable and even contraindicated, except in severe cases, but the doctor always makes the decision. A vivid example are syrups "Gedelix" and "Prospan". Both preparations contain an extract of ivy leaves, their action is directed to liquefaction and sputum discharge. Hence, these are the means for treating wet cough, which can be used in both children and adults.
Dry cough in children up to a year is treated completelyother drugs, which are also prescribed by a doctor. The main goal of treating this type of cough is to affect the cough center located in the peripheral part of the brain. It is desirable that it becomes wet, otherwise complications may develop because of a decrease in the natural protective properties of the body. There are cough syrups for children up to a year with a pronounced antitussive effect. An example of such drugs can serve as a syrup "Sinekod", which has proved itself in recent years only from the best side. In addition to reducing the cough activity, it helps to improve sputum discharge and oxygenation of the bronchial mucosa. Contraindications are children under two months.
There are other methods of getting rid of the disease.How to treat cough in children up to a year, in detail will tell the district pediatrician. But we should always remember that there are methods that, against the background of their simplicity and simplicity, have a very high level of efficiency. For example, a light tapping massage on the back in the lungs does not allow sputum stagnation. Try to provide the child with some activity: heap, dilute and turn hands alternately in the supine position. All this contributes to a rapid sputum discharge. The method of "dry heat" was used by our mothers and grandmothers: this is when pour mustard powder into socks, put mustard plasters, etc.
Cough syrups for children under one year are,sometimes, the main hope of mothers for a speedy recovery. But do not forget about inhalations, which also have a positive effect. However, any method of treatment should be applied strictly after consultation with a specialist.