/ / Anti-ulcer drug "Omez", indications for use, side effects

Anti-ulcer drug "Omez", indications for use, side effects

Anti-ulcer drug "Omez"belongs to the agents of the inhibitor group. Active substance - omeprazole, auxiliary - disodium edetate and sodium hydroxide. The mechanism of action of omeprazole is based on blocking the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the final stage, and, as a consequence, a decrease in the production of acid. As a prodrug, omeprazole is activated in a gastric acidic medium. Within an hour after taking 20 g of this drug, the patients begin to show antisecretory effect, and it continues for a day. One intake is sufficient for rapid suppression of daily gastric secretion, its maximum result is achieved on the 4th day.

The active substance omeprazole is in the form ofgranules, so its absorption occurs only in the intestine and a maximum of one hour later the highest concentration in the blood plasma of the drug "Omez" is observed. The summary indicates its not very high bioavailability, equal to 40%. Most of the medicine is excreted in the urine (up to 80%), the rest is with the bile (20%). A different picture of pharmacokinetics in the elderly, there is a decrease in excretion of the drug with increased bioavailability.

When diagnosing a peptic ulcer in a patient,The drug "Omez" is considered to be an effective remedy, indications for use recommend the use of the drug in the treatment of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in the prevention of relapses. With this diagnosis, the administration of the drug is often not oral, but in the form of intravenous infusion in an amount of 40 mg.

There are diseases in whichit is necessary to increase the daily dose of the drug "Omez", indications for use in such cases contain a diagnosis of hypparsecretory conditions, in particular, the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The initial dose for this pathology is 60 mg, it is selected individually for each patient, sometimes the maximum daily intake is 120 mg. In such cases, it should be divided into several infusions per day.

In a dose of 40 mg, and similarly 2 hours before the introductionAnesthesia is prescribed "Omez", the indications for use of which include Mendelssohn syndrome. That is, such a dosing regimen is considered optimal for prevention of the prevention of acidic gastric environment entering the respiratory tract during surgical interventions.

The individual schedule is made for the admission of the drug "Omez", the indications for use may include the following diagnoses:

- reflux esophagitis;

- NSAID-gastropathy.

Care should be taken to take the drugat occurrence of by-effects. Their manifestation is possible on the part of specific systems of the body. In the hematopoiesis system there are side effects in the form of leukopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis.

The digestive system often responds toreception of the drug "Omez" the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting and nausea, a violation of taste. With severe hepatic insufficiency, sometimes hepatitis is provoked (jaundice including).

The CNS also often reacts negatively to receptionmedicinal product "Omez", it is manifested by dizziness, depression and excitability. If the use of this drug in the patient was preceded by severe liver damage, then encephalopathy is possible.

Dermatological and allergic reactions with various manifestations are rare.

Annotation "Omez" has several contraindications.The instruction warns about the refusal of treatment during pregnancy, lactation and childhood, as well as do not take medicine for people with increased sensitivity to the active substance omeprazole. When an overdose of the drug is used symptomatic treatment, hemodialysis in this case is not effective.

Keep the drug "Omez" should not more than 2 years in a cool, inaccessible place for children.

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