/ / Cosmetic defect - Wen. Treatment offers many options.

Cosmetic defect - Wen. Treatment offers many options.

Outwardly peace-loving benign tumor, withyears increasing in size, is a lipoma, and in the people it is simply called a wen. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. A small-sized tumor (up to two to three centimeters) can be quickly eliminated with the help of a medicinal diprospan. It is injected into the lipoma in an amount of 0.3 milligrams, after which the reverse process occurs, resorption.

Quite often doctors suggest not to botherthis benign tumor. If it does not become an obvious cosmetic defect and does not interfere with a person, it is recommended not to touch it, but simply to observe its condition. If the size increases noticeably, surgery can be resorted to. The operation is simple, usually performed quickly and under local anesthesia. Make a small incision, the contents are removed, and the capsule is scraped. The minus of such treatment lies in the scars remaining after surgery.

Lipoma can form in a variety ofplaces, wherever fatty tissue is present. It is precisely because of the disturbance of its metabolic processes that a fatty body appears. Treatment can be carried out by means of endoscopic removal. For this, an incision is made, preferably in the skin folds, so that the scar is less noticeable. Endoscopic system is introduced, the lipoma is separated from other tissues and is removed. If there are problems with the thyroid, pancreas or liver, a wen may also form. Treatment is possible and with the help of liposuction. Then the patient is injected with a vacuum tube and suctioned fat tissue. It should be said that lipoma often occurs because of alcohol abuse, in the presence of malignant tumors of the upper respiratory tract and diabetes.

One of the best ways still remainsself-destruction of the lipoma. If you do not touch it, it will gradually resolve itself, having passed all the stages of development. The organism is endowed with a memory that can return what was removed before the time. If you decide not to resort to radical methods, you can try the treatment of Wen's folk remedies. In addition, it is believed that the observance of proper nutrition and the use of appropriate herbs will be enough to permanently remove adipose tissue on the body.

Treatment should begin with one of the mostancient and truly effective methods. To do this, you need films from fresh domestic chicken eggs. Everything is extremely simple. Films are superimposed on the lipoma and are periodically replaced with fresh ones. The procedure should be carried out until the whole fatty will completely dissolve. Treatment includes the use of various compresses from freshly ripped leaves of aloe and a golden mustache. The sheet is cut, a little kneaded to give juice, and put on the lipoma. From above necessarily put a film and fix a compress a fabric. These plants help to tighten fat deposits to the surface of the skin. After that, the wig is opened neatly and the rod completely exits.

Treatment of adipose folk with folk remedies is possible andwith the help of such natural medicinal products, as lard and baked onions. Bake a small sized bulb, grind it, not letting it cool, and mix with the crushed laundry soap. Apply the mixture in the form of compresses, changing to new ones at least two or three times a day, until all the adipes on the body disappear. Treatment with bacon gives excellent results. It is mixed with garlic juice and used as an ointment.

In advance, it is impossible to predict the appearance of lipoma.Doctors can recommend a very expensive and complicated procedure of ultrasound of the whole organism. But the best solution is to observe proper nutrition and no panic about this. After all, we found out that the lipoma can be cured, and there are plenty of methods for this.

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