/ / Medication sleep in resuscitation: consequences, reviews

Drug sleep in resuscitation: effects, reviews

Many medical manipulations are not withoutanesthesia. It is necessary in order to relieve pain, to prevent shock. After all, the characteristic reaction of the body (increased heart rate, increased pressure, production of stress hormones) can significantly affect the patient's condition. Often used medication sleep.

Medication sleep in resuscitation

Anesthesia Varieties

There are two main methods of anesthesia.Local anesthesia is used for local pain relief. At the same time, the person remains conscious. This type of anesthesia has the following varieties. Superficial way - drugs applied to the skin (or mucous membranes), where they are absorbed and begin to act. Very often, this method is used by dentists. Also included in this category is freezing. Infiltration anesthesia is used in some surgical procedures, injuries. The substance is injected into the tissue by injection. Regional anesthesia has several subspecies: it is epidural, conductive, spinal. In this case, the drug is injected into an area that is very close to the nerve trunk or plexus. With this method, the transmission of pain impulse is blocked. If an operation on the limbs is performed, then intravascular anesthesia may be used. Anesthetic is injected into the limb vessels. General anesthesia inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. Muscles relax, consciousness is disturbed. It can be produced by inhalation or intravenous injection.

Medication sleep

What is drug sleep?

Sedation is a promising alternative.deep anesthesia. It is very important that a person is conscious, his reflexes are saved. For immersion in medication sleep, special sedatives are injected intravenously or into muscle. They contribute to complete relaxation, sedation, and pain relief. This type of anesthesia is recommended for people with a low pain threshold, for nervous disorders, for children. The procedure is carried out by an anesthesiologist, who calculates the required dose of the drug. The specialist also helps the patient to get out of this state. It is characteristic that the complex can additionally use local anesthesia. The main benefits of immersion in sleep with the help of medicines are as follows. Drugs that are used do not contain narcotic components and do not cause addiction. The respiratory center is not depressed. A person comes to consciousness rather quickly - in 5-10 minutes. Thus, if medication sleep is used, the consequences of a negative nature are practically absent.

Sedation levels

There are several degrees of sleep immersion whenmedication aid. The minimum level is characterized by the fact that the patient is awake, in contact with the doctor. In this case intellectual abilities, coordination of movements are slightly disturbed. The moderate depth of sedation is a condition in which a person reacts to words, tactile stimulation. Deep medication sleep is characterized by the absence of patient contact with a doctor. Awakening is possible with rather painful stimulation. In some cases, breathing problems may occur, although hemodynamics remains stable.

Medication sleep child

What drugs are used for sedation

Ideal drug for drug sleepmust have a certain set of qualities. First of all, speed. Also, such a substance should have a minimum of side effects, and the consciousness quickly restored after the cessation of its introduction. Light sedation is carried out with the help of "Midazolam". Deeper sleep occurs after the introduction of "Propofol." Sedation is also performed using a substance such as nitrous oxide. This is a gas that is supplied through a special mask. Under its influence, all muscles relax, the patient calms down. In some cases, barbiturates are used, but they have a bad effect on the heart muscle. Constant hemodynamic control is required. In this regard, their use is limited. A solution of sodium hydroxybutyrate is often recommended for use in the labor process.

Application in dentistry

One area where it is widely usedmedical sleep - dentistry. Unlike general anesthesia, which is sometimes necessary in certain situations, this type of anesthesia is safer and has several advantages. It is recommended in the presence of allergic reactions to local anesthesia, complex surgical intervention (with abscess, jaw damage, periostitis, etc.). Quite a few people have a panic fear of visiting a dentist. Medical sleep is the only way to painlessly and without trauma to carry out all the necessary manipulations in the oral cavity. Also this method of pain relief is simply necessary for patients with epilepsy, schizophrenia and other disorders of the nervous system. It is very important that all teeth can be cured in one visit to a specialist. Also, such anesthesia allows the doctor to work quietly (after all, the patient is sleeping). The method is so safe and easy that you can even recommend a medical sleep to a child. This is especially true if the baby is hyperactive or simply afraid of doctors and their tools.

Medication sleep. Reviews

The use of drug sleep during childbirth

It is worth noting that anesthesia is notappoint only one wish of the woman in labor. The midwife assesses the situation as a whole and, in the case of protracted labor, may recommend the use of drug sleep. This measure is necessary if the woman is experiencing very severe pain, which deprive her of strength. After all, if the pain is exhausting the woman in labor, then the process of the child’s release may be disturbed. In this case, the baby will suffer. For a temporary recuperation, the patient is immersed in light sleep. Drugs that are administered, also have an anesthetic effect. It is worth noting that the pain does not go away completely. She only slightly dulled, contractions continue. This manipulation is performed in two stages. During the first, the organism is prepared for the introduction of anesthesia (premedication). Uses pain-relieving, relaxing agents. However, they can enter the placenta. As a result, prolonged sleep of the newborn may occur. The second stage is the introduction of drugs directly for medical sleep. Sodium oxybutyrate (its 20% solution) is often used during labor. Such a substance is safe, low toxic, does not cause breathing problems in a child. Many mothers celebrate the relief of childbirth by using similar anesthesia.

Medication sleep. Effects

Anesthesia in intensive care

With severe head injuries and othersimilar conditions can also be used medication sleep in resuscitation. However, in this case it lasts for several days (1-3 or more). Its undoubted plus with such an application is the reduction of high intracranial pressure, while the brain rests. During sedation, specialists develop further treatment tactics. Also, this method is sometimes used in the event that the patient's condition is severe, and experts do not know how to treat it. However, like any anesthesia, this method has its drawbacks and contraindications. Reviews say that long-term use of these drugs can have negative consequences for the central nervous system.

Medication sleep. After operation

Possible effects of anesthesia

The introduction of any drugs inthe body can cause allergic reactions. Although the drug sleep reviews have positive, dizziness, nausea and vomiting can sometimes be observed. Contraindications to the use of this type of anesthesia can be chronic diseases, especially during their exacerbation. It is worth noting that often such procedures as gastroscopy and colonoscopy are also performed in the sleeping state. Many doctors recommend that you undergo a complete blood count, make a cardiogram and fluorography before performing the procedure. Thus, they insure themselves against all sorts of risks, make sure that during the procedure there will be no problems with breathing and heart. If medication sleep was used, the patient easily recovers after surgery and other manipulations. And in order to minimize all negative consequences, it is first necessary to inform the doctor about possible allergies, suspected pregnancy, medication.

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