/ / Appendix or appendicitis? Which side is the appendix?

An appendix or appendicitis? Which side is the appendix?

Which appendicitis is on which side?This question is often asked by those who suspect that they have an inflammation of the appendix. It should be noted that its location may be different - descending, internal, external, left-handed, intraorganic, etc. Localization depends on how the organs were laid during embryonic development of the fetus.

which side is appendicitis photo

General information

So, the theme of our today's conversation -appendicitis. Which side is the appendix? Yes, it's an appendix. The fact is that very many confuse these two terms. Let's understand. The appendix is ​​an appendage of the cecum. And the word "appendicitis" means inflammation of the body. In this regard, it is more correct to ask, from which side of the appendicitis is located, and where the appendix is ​​located. However, confusion in medical terms is of little interest to those who have personally touched this problem. After all, in such situations, a person feels quite a bursting pain. It is worth noting that the mentioned abdominal cavity disease requires immediate surgical operation.

Which side is appendicitis?

appendicitis which side is
Photos presented to your attention will helpnavigate this issue. A schematic representation (on the left) of the organ in question shows what kind of normal and inflamed appendage it has. Knowledge of the possible location of the appendix is ​​very important for the diagnosis of appendicitis, because the error can even be fatal. It is worth noting that in the absence of congenital abnormalities, this appendage is located closer to the right abdomen (just below the navel). However, in some cases, this element of the cecum may be wrapped around the peritoneum and located in the renal region.

How is it diagnosed?

Because the correct locationnot all people can see the appendix, modern medicine uses different methods to diagnose such an inflammatory process as appendicitis. On which side is the process of the cecum, will help to identify ultrasound, as well as laparoscopy or computed tomography. Such methods are used in cases where the patient suspects an acute inflammation of the appendix.

Symptoms of the disease

Итак, мы разобрались с такими понятиями, как appendix and appendicitis. From which side is the appendage, also found out. By the way, this question can be easily answered by those with whom this body was once removed. After all, the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease under consideration are difficult to miss. As a rule, pain with a strong

which side is appendicitis located
inflammation of the appendix wears aggravatedcharacter and manifests itself in different ways. At the same time, the patient begins to feel general discomfort, without specific localization. After a while, the pain spreads through the upper abdomen and around the navel, and then gradually passes into the iliac right side. By the way, such pain is significantly increased when sneezing, laughing or coughing, as well as lying on the left side.

In addition to all the listed symptoms, appendicitis is accompanied by vomiting (quite often - once) and constant nausea, as well as frequent urination, a rise in temperature to 37.5 aboutC, loose stools and coated tongue.

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