/ / Weight gain for a child by months to a year

Adding weight to the child by months to a year

Immediately after the birth of a babyweighed. A normal weight in term infants is a weight between 2.6 and 4 kg. If a child was born with a weight of more than 4 kg, it is considered large. The reason for this can serve as constitutional features, as well as violation of the mother carbohydrate metabolism. In case of unfavorable course of pregnancy, for example, with fetoplacental insufficiency, exposure to alcohol, nicotine, the weight of the newborn can not reach the norm, which requires more careful observation by doctors.

the weight gain of the child by months
The increase in the weight of the child does not begin immediately.In the early days, on the contrary, he loses weight. So, on day 5-8, the body weight decreases by approximately 6-8%. In this there is nothing terrible, it should be so. This is a natural physiological pattern associated with loss through the lungs (by breathing) and the skin of water, the release of urine and meconium, the drying of the umbilical cord. After a week or ten days, the condition returns to normal, and the baby's weight gain begins. By months, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the child's physical development. To do this, you will regularly need to visit a children's polyclinic.

Weight gain by months

an increase in weight by months
During the first month of his life, the baby is gainingaverage 400-600 grams, for the second - almost a kilogram. If breast milk is not produced by the mother, the weight gain of the child by months may occur at a lower rate. In this case, you need to use adaptive mixtures or donor milk. Those babies who eat mixtures, gain weight faster than babies on breastfeeding. During the third month of life the baby is gaining about 800 grams. Thus, by the fourth month he can already weigh more than 6 kg. Further increase in weight of the child by the month becomes not so fast - he dials 650-750 grams per month. Semiannual weighing should demonstrate the weight in boys in the range from 7.5 to 11 kg, and in girls - from 7 to 11 kg. At the age of six months, the baby begins to actively move and crawl, and later tries to take the first steps. Therefore, the weight gain of a child by months is further slowed: from 6 to 8 months - 550-650 grams per month, from 9 months to a year - 350-500 grams. As a result, at one-year-old age the boy should weigh 9.5-13.5 kg, the girl - 9-13 kg.

Insufficient weight

Many parents begin to experience anxiety,when the weight of their baby does not reach the normative values. One possible cause of this condition is a lack of nutrition due to a decreased secretion of breast milk. In the second half of the year the child may be underweight if he is overly active (constantly creeps, early starts walking). You can not ignore the issues of heredity - if the parents are thin, then the baby can have the appropriate equipment. Sometimes the reasons for poor weight gain are more

weight gain of a child
serious.So, the child can have allergic reactions, prolonged diarrhea, intolerance of some products. If the baby has had an infectious disease, he can also increase body weight more slowly than other children.


Not only inadequate, but also overweightthe child should harass the parents. Excessive body weight negatively affects health. Such children are inactive, are prone to allergic reactions. Usually, excess weight is observed in infants on artificial feeding, which too caring mothers give more mixture than required.

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