/ / Pink spots on the skin - is it good?

Pink spots on the skin - is it good?

If you look at the mirror you notice pinkstains on the skin, do not neglect it. Spots, especially those that suddenly appear, can be a symptom of a variety of diseases, including very serious ones.

pink spots on the skin
It can be scleroderma.With this disease, scars form on the skin. Specialists distinguish two types of scleroderma: systemic and limited. With a limited number of spots is small and they have a light lilac shade. Systemic scleroderma affects the internal organs. Its main symptom is densification and glossiness of the skin. If you notice something like this, immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is not recommended - there is a risk of aggravating the situation.

Another extremely unpleasant skin disease -psoriasis. Its main feature is red spots covered with white scales. The skin in this case is strongly itched and itchy. Psoriasis itself is not particularly dangerous, but the skin at the same time look repulsive. The reasons can be very different - from heredity to severe stress.

Eczema is characterized by pink spots on the skin andsevere itching. It is called "hand skin disease", since it is the hands that suffer most often. Call it may allergens - dyes, nutritional supplements, strong flavors, insect bites. People prone to eczema, it is recommended to refrain from fatty foods, excessively sharp and salty foods. In addition, the cause may be stress, exercise, or a digestive process (mainly in women).

reddening of the scalp
Do you have pink spots on your skin?If they cover the hands, feet and neck, then the cause may well be an allergic reaction. It can cause a lot: products, medicines, cosmetics, dust, animal hair. The main danger lies in the fact that prolonged contact with the allergen can provoke pulmonary edema. And the sooner a person goes to a hospital, the better.

Pink spots on the skin, having a rounded shape -the main sign of an unpleasant disease, which is called pink deprive. The main places of their appearance are hips, back, shoulders. Pay attention also to the possible reddening of the scalp. In most cases, the disease worsens in the spring and autumn. When the spots get wet, irritation usually begins, they itch and flake. A specialist who will help to cope with this problem is a dermatovenereologist.

Pink spots on the skin can be symptoms of chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever and measles. All these diseases are extremely contagious, there is an urgent need to isolate the patient.

Measles are characterized by fever and a strong cough. The first blush is the face and neck, then the rashes pass over the entire body. The skin is strongly flaky.

hand skin disease
Rubella is a rash all over the body,the occurrence of which is usually accompanied by a fever. The rubella virus reproduces very quickly. First there is a strong weakness, a couple of days, a rash appears and the temperature rises. Another symptom characteristic of rubella is a common cold. Initially, the rash covers the face, but very quickly spreads to the trunk and limbs. Lymph nodes are greatly enlarged.

The main symptom of scarlet fever is a rash in the form of small dots. The patient may complain of headaches, drowsiness, nausea. Redness usually passes for a couple of days, traces do not remain.

Chickenpox is a viral disease thatmanifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin. They strongly itch, but if you succumb to the temptation and scratch the skin with your fingernails, there may be scars. In children, the disease lasts no more than ten days, in adults there can be complications.

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