/ / Serotonin is a "hormone of happiness"

Serotonin is a "hormone of happiness"

Serotonin is a hormone produced in the bodyhuman during the synthesis of amino acids. By the nature of its origin, it is considered the so-called biogenic amine. Serotonin has a strong pharmacological effect and helps the implementation of many physiological functions of man, the main one of which is the regulation of the nervous processes of the central nervous system and ensuring the metabolism at the proper level.

serotonin is

Serotonin: Functions

In the human body, the hormone plays a big role,because it is involved in many physiological processes. So, he is responsible for synchronous constriction and vasodilation, regulates blood pressure, maintains body temperature at a constant level, participates in the development of chemicals necessary for renal filtration, as well as in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain, responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition. In addition, a sufficient level of the hormone in the body and its correct exchange provide the appearance of positive emotions, joy, happiness, affect the efficiency and tone of the whole organism. That is why in medical literature it is often possible to meet such a definition: serotonin is a "hormone of happiness". What else is so unique?

Serotonin-a hormone and an insufficient level of its development

If there is a violation of the hormone level in the body, only negative development is observed:

serotonin hormone

  • pain sensitivity increases;
  • several types of allergies develop simultaneously;
  • mental processes are disturbed, memory;
  • increased appetite;
  • drowsiness develops and difficulties arise on waking;
  • fatigue and fatigue appear;
  • interest in life disappears;
  • develops psychological instability, manifested in outbreaks of aggression;
  • there are mental abnormalities.

In addition, with serotonin deficiency observedthe development of diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, migraine, hemorrhoids, diathesis, enuresis, frequent colds, poisoning, etc. All this occurs when there is a violation of the correct metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids.

serotonin level

Products that increase serotonin levels in the body

According to medical research, increasethe level of the hormone in the body can not only be medicines, but also the use of a number of products containing amino acids and glucose, necessary for the production of serotonin. Such products are coffee, chocolate, tea and bananas. However, it should be taken into account that serotonin is a "hormone of joy", which can only be increased by these products if its deficiency in the body no longer leads to serious complications. Otherwise, obligatory intervention of the doctor and prescription of medicines, called not only to raise the level of the hormone, but also to eliminate the arising ailments is required. Thus, the hormone serotonin is a unique chemical substance that maintains in order not only the vital activity of the whole organism, but also the person responsible for a good mood and positive thoughts.

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