/ / Hysteroscopy: reviews, effects, indications

Hysteroscopy: reviews, effects, indications

Today, gynecology is increasingly performedhysteroscopy, reviews of women about which are mostly positive. She switches from surgical intervention, if necessary, from diagnostic manipulation.

During hysteroscopy, the inside of the uterus is inspected from the inside. As a result of this procedure, the following pathologies can be diagnosed:

  • adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus);
  • synechia (fusion);
  • hyperplasia and polyps of the endometrium;
  • uterine myoma.

Indications for hysteroscopy aresuspicion of the presence of these diseases, miscarriage, infertility, numerous ineffective attempts IVF. Although this operation is considered simple, nevertheless the patient should undergo a test before her.

The list of necessary studies before hysteroscopy:

  • FLU;
  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • smears on cytology and flora;
  • consultation of the therapist;
  • ECG;
  • determination of Rh factor and blood group;
  • examination for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • coagulogram (coagulation assay);
  • biochemistry;
  • clinical tests of urine and blood.

You can not perform this manipulation in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • profuse bleeding from the uterus (exception - the need to find its source);
  • inflammatory process in the genital tract;
  • general infectious disease (influenza, pneumonia).

Hysteroscopy, the consequences of which take placeOnly in 1% of cases, it is considered the most comfortable and safe gynecological operation. Many women are very afraid and worried about it if she is appointed to them. And then they say that they feared absolutely in vain.

It is carried out under intravenous anesthesia. The patient completely departs from him in two hours and can go home. The sick leave is given for two days.

After manipulation for several daysThere are spasms and bleeding. This can last up to 10 days. In the presence of severe pain, fever, heavy bleeding, you should consult a doctor.

Hysteroscopy diagnostic requires abstinencefrom sex within a few days after it, and if there were surgical interventions, the period is increased to three weeks. In addition, during this period, it is necessary to exclude exercise and thermal procedures.

Hysteroscopy, reviews of which are only good, lasts about half an hour. The patient falls asleep and wakes up in the operating room. Then, on a gurney, she is taken to the ward, where she is for several hours.

Immediately after manipulation, bleedingcan be quite strong, so you need to attach a large padding to the cowards in advance. With you should take slippers, bathrobe, T-shirt, bed linen, diaper. Be sure to take something to drink and eat.

You should find out about the tests. In many hospitals they are done on the same day before the operation, which is very convenient.

Complications are rare, but stillthere are. During manipulation, the doctor may injure the uterus or cervical canal, sometimes there are side effects from anesthesia, infection, severe bleeding.

Hysteroscopy, about which patients are verygood, excellent alternative to simple scraping. The fact is that the latter is actually carried out blindly, therefore the probability of negative consequences is less and the efficiency is less.

Today, surgical abortions are carried out with the help of hysteroscopy. In addition, its use helps to find the source of severe uterine bleeding, which can save a woman's body.

Thus, hysteroscopy, reviews about whichgood, is by far the most in demand gynecological manipulation. Patients are very worried if they do it for the first time. However, after hysteroscopy, it is noted that their fears were in vain. This study is painless, informative and has almost no consequences.

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