/ Cough suppressants. Choose the best.

Antitussives. Choose the best.

That tool that will help get rid of allsymptoms in the shortest possible time, and there is the best cough medicine. Moreover, its effect on the immune system, other organs and the body as a whole should be minimally negative. For each person it is different. There are antitussives that are ideal for children, other drugs are intended to be taken by adults, and some will be the best option for getting rid of the disease during pregnancy or lactation.

In addition, many antitussive drugs difficultto name the best precisely because of the too wide range of side effects. We immediately rank antibiotics among them. They have a very powerful effect and really cope with any disease or infection in the shortest possible time, including coughing. But they most negatively affect the human immune system, greatly weakening it. It ceases to produce antibodies independently, which are necessary for the fight against microbes and viruses. But in some cases, antibiotics save human life. Therefore, when the disease flows into an acute form, one cannot do without them. We only note that such antitussive drugs should be prescribed by a specialist, after a thorough examination and delivery of all necessary tests.

Really good effectswarming drugs, as well as those drugs that are made on the basis of only natural ingredients. Such antitussives are a bit more expensive than conventional pills, but they will not cause harm to health. Many people choose drops of “Gadelix”, which include only herbal ingredients, including healing ivy. For a painful, dry, scratching cough, only those medicines should be taken that help suppress the cough reflex and normalize sputum production. These include "Libexin", "Bronholitin", as well as candies and lozenges with sage.

If sputum is excreted, but its consistencyquite viscous, you should choose antitussive agents that contribute to its dilution. These are Acetylcysteine, Lasolvan and Bromhexin. These drugs quickly eliminate bronchospasm, have a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on the throat mucosa. If the face of all the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, the specialist is unlikely to prescribe antibiotics, and use natural and effective antitussives. In case of detection of bronchitis or pneumonia, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided, since here the priority is the rapid suppression of microbial activity. That is why it is extremely important at the first signs of a disease to seek advice from a specialist. Independently, you can eliminate only a cough, without even realizing that such self-treatment can only lead to deterioration.

If the doctor has not identified any seriousdiseases, you can safely use folk methods. They are safe for our health and have quite a powerful therapeutic effect. That is why many believe that the best cough remedy is proven by centuries of our ancestors. One of the easiest ways to get rid of cough is taking fir oil, which is sold in any pharmacy. Pipette a drop into a dropper and drip it as close as possible to the root of the tongue. These manipulations are performed in the evening and after waking up.

In some cases, with prolonged orchronic cough, well helps a piece of natural fresh oil eaten on an empty stomach. At night, breast rubbed dry and well lubricated with pork oil. You can also use ghee, in which a little pine extract is added, and for a better effect you can put a compress on your chest and back. Traditional methods allow to receive from treatment also pleasure. Take a big black turnip, make a well in it and pour honey into it. Take this tasty and effective remedy three times a day until all symptoms are completely eliminated.

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