/ / Hospitalization is the referral of the patient to inpatient treatment. Refusal of hospitalization

Hospitalization is the referral of the patient to inpatient treatment. Refusal of hospitalization

Hospitalization is the placement of a person in a hospital if he is in need of medical treatment or examination. Also, such an event is held if the woman will soon give birth.


There are several types of hospitalization.

  1. Emergency
  2. Planned.

hospitalization is

Emergency hospitalization is urgent care.hospital care for health reasons. In order for the patient to be placed in a hospital, he is given a referral. An ambulance or a doctor can issue it. It is necessary that the hospitalization of the patient was made in a timely manner. Also on the treatment process affects the correct diagnosis. If the patient receives a referral for hospitalization in the clinic, then he will be given an out-patient card or an extract from it. When a person is hospitalized by ambulance, a companion sheet is issued to the patient.

Information in documents

In both cases, the accompanying medical records should contain the following information:

  1. Data on recent patient research.
  2. Recommendations of narrow specialists, if the patient was examined by them.
  3. The list of therapeutic measures that were provided to the patient.
  4. Information on the duration of disability of a person should also be indicated.
  5. Information about the purpose for which a person is sent to a medical facility.

Refusal of hospitalization

Встречаются случаи, когда пациенты отказываются go to the hospital. In this case, the doctor is obliged to take from them an application to refuse hospitalization. You should know that then the patient himself assumes responsibility for the state of health.


Плановая госпитализация – это помещение человека to hospital according to indications. In this case, the preparatory stage is an important part. When an accurate diagnosis is made to the patient, all the measures aimed at his examination have been carried out, then it will be possible to proceed directly to the necessary procedures in the hospital. The latter will lead the human body in order.

hospitalization of children

If the preparatory stage for hospitalizationwas not carried out in full and there is a possibility that the diagnosis was made incorrectly, then the hospital will have to spend time on additional examination of the patient and making an accurate diagnosis. And only then proceed to treatment.

Features of hospitalization

You should know that there are diagnostic centers that operate at large medical institutions. They significantly help relieve inpatient treatment.

Receiving rest is the starting point forhospitalization. Here, the doctor determines whether the diagnosis is correct, and makes the final decision on placement in the hospital. There are cases when the patient may be refused hospitalization for one reason or another. Also in the emergency room you may need to provide urgent assistance to the patient. When a person enters, he is examined by the doctor on duty, without fail he examines the accompanying documents and identifies the patient to the appropriate department. If a child enters the hospital, whose age is not over one year old, in serious condition, and also if he is breastfed, then the placement of the mother is allowed with him.

tests for hospitalization

If a patient is denied hospitalization, thenThe doctor makes an entry in a special journal, where he indicates the reason. Also, a person is given another direction or any recommendations. In addition to the reasons for the refusal of hospitalization, the journal records information about what assistance was provided to the patient upon his arrival at the emergency department.

refusal of hospitalization

The journal also shows passport details.the person who entered the emergency room. You should know that if the patient is not able to inform them, for example, he is unconscious or can not speak for some other reason, passport information is recorded from the words of relatives. If they do not exist or are missing for any reason, then the information is given by the persons who accompany the patient. You should know that physicians should reconcile data on the documents with the patient's personality. When such data cannot be obtained and the person does not have a passport, then it is recorded in a separate journal and reported to the police.

The important point is that the hospital is notan infection was reported. Especially if children are hospitalized. If the patient was a carrier of a virus and entered the ward, this fact is reported to the SES. The clothes of the patient, the medical staff and the entire department are disinfected.

If the child is delivered to the hospital unaccompanied, it is necessary to inform them about it.


It is necessary to pass tests for hospitalization.planned. Moreover, their list may be different depending on the type of separation. Let's look at the basic research that adult patients need to undergo before hospitalization, followed by surgery:

referral for hospitalization

  1. Total blood count. It is valid for 10 days.
  2. A blood test to determine blood sugar levels. Also valid for 10 days.
  3. Biochemical blood test. It is needed to determine bilirubin, protein and creatinine. Valid for this analysis within 10 days from the date of delivery.
  4. A blood test to determine the Rh factor. Valid for 1 month from the date of delivery.
  5. The patient needs to pass urine. This analysis is valid for 10 days.
  6. You also need to donate blood for AIDS and the presence of hepatitis B and C markers. These tests are valid for 3 months.

Also the patient needs to go throughelectrocardiogram. If there are abnormalities in ECG decoding, then a cardiologist will need a conclusion about contraindications. The validity of the results is one month from the time of the examination. If a person has not done X-rays for more than a year, then you need to go through it. The conclusion of the ENT, the therapist and the stomatologist is required.

compulsory hospitalization

The list of tests that need to pass beforehospitalization with conservative treatment, a little less. This list excludes biochemical analysis, blood for HIV and hepatitis. Also do not need the conclusions of the ENT and the dentist. If a child is hospitalized with an accompanying person, it is necessary that the latter undergo fluorography.


Forced hospitalization is a roomperson to hospital without his consent. This is done when there are suspicions that the patient is not mentally healthy. The decision on hospitalization can take the attending physician according to his data. Or the doctor may give a referral for hospitalization at the request of relatives. If the situation is critical, the application may be filed orally.


Now you know that hospitalization is the placement of a person in a hospital. We looked at all the important aspects.

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