/ / What are the types of angina?

What are the types of angina?

Inflammatory acute disease, whichtouches tonsils, soft palate, pharynx, called angina. Most often, the causative agent of this disease is streptococcus A. A characteristic symptom of the disease is the appearance of acute pain in the throat, especially when swallowing. In addition, there is weakness, headaches. The rise in temperature to large markers and the increase in tonsils also indicate that, most likely, a patient has a sore throat. Infection can be transmitted from person to person.

Types of sore throat

Types of sore throat

There are several types of disease. They differ not only in their symptoms, but also in the degree of damage to the tonsils.

Catarrhal angina

Обычно наблюдается в том случае, если имело место hypothermia of the body. She is accompanied by chills and feverish phenomena. The mucous mouth begins to dry quickly. This leads to the appearance of perspiration, when swallowing, severe pain is detected. The doctor can see that the tonsils are enlarged, red, the submaxillary nodes are inflamed.


Types of sore throat photo
Considering the types of angina, we can not say aboutthis type. It lasts about five days. Usually the body temperature is very high, can reach up to 40 degrees. There is a strong pain when swallowing, enlarged lymphatic submandibular nodes. On the tonsils appear white, or pale yellow spots, consisting of bacteria, leukocytes, epithelial cells. Usually a person is ill for an average of four days.

Follicular sore throat

It is expressed by suppuration of follicles, protrudingon the surface of edematous and enlarged tonsils. They are not only large in size, but also have ulcers. Lymphatic submandibular nodes are enlarged and painful.

Angina of Louis

There are types of sore throats, appearing, for example,on the basis of tooth tissue infection. It is to them that this type applies. There is a high fever, malaise, appetite and sleep worsen. The doctor can detect tissue density and infiltration of the submaxillary region. There is protrusion and inflammation of the oral mucosa. This leads to the fact that it hurts a person to open their mouths, this can not be done in full measure. In addition, it is difficult for a patient to speak, speech becomes vague. With untimely treatment, swelling can spread to the neck. Possible development of sepsis, shortness of breath, asphyxia due to compression of the larynx and trachea.

Angina phlegmonous

Most often it is a complication that can cause the above-described types of angina. With her inflammation of the cellulose due to penetration of hostile

Angina species
microflora of lacunae and tonsils.Usually the disease is one-sided. The temperature rises to high marks. Swallowing becomes so painful that a person refuses food, begins to nuzzle, does not fully open his mouth. The tongue shifts, the head begins to incline into the affected area.

Ulcerative-film angina

Виды данного заболевания характеризуются наличием yellow and white necrotic raids on the tonsils, which extend to the soft palate, the posterior wall of the pharynx, and the mucus of the palate. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. In this case, the temperature can be normal or rise no higher than 38 degrees. Swallowing does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

Как мы видим, существуют разные виды ангины.The photos of the bodies involved in the process show that the amygdala is affected to varying degrees. Do not forget that the treatment prescribed by the doctor will not only be local, but also include the whole body as a whole system.

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