/ / Models of Ford. History and development of the lineup

Models "Ford." History and development of the lineup

The company, which received the name Ford, beganhis work in 1903. The founder - Henry Ford - with its formation received a large amount of investment from some influential people. The history of Ford, the models of which are known all over the world, began with the fact that the company gained popularity thanks to the use of a classic assembly line.

Currently, these cars are widelypractically in all countries of the world. Thanks to good quality, technical characteristics and assortment, interest in this brand is not decreasing.

History of Ford

In 1908-1927, Ford Model was produced - the very first successful model of the company.

In the 1920s, the American leadership concludesan agreement with the USSR, which was associated with the construction of the first car factory in Gorky (now - Nizhny Novgorod). Here, the first official copies of some Ford cars, designed for a Soviet buyer, began to be produced.

In the 1930s, the United States was somewhat cautious aboutto the company because its founder did not even hide his pro-Nazi sympathies. Around the same years, they produce several thousand caterpillar and wheeled vehicles. But when the Second World War begins, and America joins it, Ford immediately starts production of army jeeps and trucks for its "own" army.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a cruelcompetition, which is why the company is exposed to a severe crisis. After the president of Ford changes in 2006, the firm returns to a period of stability and profitability.

model ford

Activity of the company

Модели "Форда" выпускаются на следующих production: North American, Asian and European. Each of the listed units produces their own model series, dissimilar to each other. However, in 2006, after the change of leadership, a new strategy was announced, "United Ford". Its essence lies in the fact that from now on cars will be produced that are uniform for all markets. The beginning of this laid the third generation of "Ford Focus".

  • Ford of Europe.The headquarters of the unit is located in Cologne. Thanks to the latest technology and innovation, the company has a special lighting system that easily recognizes pedestrians, animals and cyclists at night or late in the evening.
  • Ford of Russia.This production began in 1907, at that time the Russian Empire still existed. The revolution of 1917 had no effect on the efficiency of the unit. In 1932, with the assistance of Ford, a car factory was opened in Nizhny Novgorod. In 2007, more than 170 thousand cars were sold in Russia, while the lion's share of sales fell on Ford Focus. American options in Russia have a place to be. There are two SUVs, which are almost not similar to the official originals. North American models of Ford in the Federation are not represented.

Ford Focus models

Development of Ford Focus

Ford Focus is a division of Ford. Since 1999, more than 500 thousand models have been sold in the territory of the former USSR. In 2010, this brand in the Russian Federation became the most popular.

1. The first generation.

The name Ford Focus did not appear immediately, only in1998 Originally the code name sounded like CW170. The development of design and decorative elements of the car was completed in the 1990s. As the New Edge developed, one could see photos taken by chance on the Internet in 1995.

2. The second generation.

6 years were produced: from 2004 to 2011.In 2008, the appearance of the model was greatly changed. Ford Focus works with the Ford C1 platform. The design of the suspension was borrowed from the first generation, the body shape is similar to the previous versions of the car.

3. The third generation.

For the first time the car was released in 2010.The company plans to make the third generation "global". It is calculated that the model will be unique for all markets. The concept of the machine is borrowed from Losis Max. The platform used to create the car, modified and can easily replace three platforms, taken as a basis in different areas. American models of Ford Focus will not include a hatchback and a convertible. Also, some manipulations with safety and steering were carried out. There will be an electric booster, and airbags will go already in the basic kit.

car models ford

Ford Focus for North America

Models for North America - specialmodification, designed only for a certain range of customers. In 2005 and 2011 restyling was carried out. After 2011, when the models of Ford Focus cars were changed and the third generation began, the production of North American versions was completed.

The first and second generation Ford Focus

The first generation of the car was produced from 1999 to2007 It differed from the classic "Ford" in that the body and bumper were of a different size, the lanterns had a different design, and the turn signals were located in the grille from the radiator.

The second generation is from 2007 to 2011.If in Europe such a car was already produced on another platform, in North America it was a first-generation car with a modified exterior design. In other countries, support for this Ford model was discontinued in 2004. This is due to the fact that the population of America continued to buy the options given to them. After restyling, it was decided to stop production. The fact is that the purchase of parts did not pay off, and the company suffered heavy losses.

Ford Pickup All Models

"Ford" Pickup: all models and their description

Ford since the end of the XIX century has become one of the bestmanufacturers of pickup trucks. Specialization is based on two types: heavy and light. Any motorist will be able to say that success in the market with such products is an indicator of real professionalism. From the beginning of release of pickups till today days capacity of engines has increased from 95 to 300 horsepowers. Knowing what the company's policy is, it's safe to say that this is not the limit.

The most popular models of Ford pickup:

  • Ford F-150.It is this SUV - the best in sales for more than one year. After 2012, the steering booster and the system appeared, which allows to soften and ease control a little. This is what contributes to the best passage of difficult roads and routes. The exterior has become more aggressive, serious and purposeful over the years. If initially the car was presented in a compact form, then now - the volume and solidity of its second name.
  • Ford F-250 and Ford F-350.In Geneva, the first presentation of machines took place (2006). Since then, the appearance and "insides" of cars have not changed significantly. The model is convenient because it is spacious inside: in the back seat with ease fit three to four people. However, this is also a minus. Because of too much weight, the car can hardly pass heavy tracks.
  • Pick-ups Ford F-550 and Ford-750.These models are considered the best off-road cars Ford. They are, in fact, real trucks. They are acquired as cash collection and armored vehicles, as well as mobile homes. Has increased cross-country ability.
  • Ford Ranger.In the Russian Federation, the Ford model of this line is difficult to buy: they are only available on request. His popularity is gradually growing, so you can hope that the company's management will still open a free trade of this model outside the US. Appearance is very bright and aggressive. The exterior has a "male" type. The salon is also built on rigor and ergonomics. The safety of passengers is well thought out. For example, a pillow does not fly out in a collision, if nobody sits on the seat. This does not create unnecessary difficulties for the driver. The trunk is equipped with a step, which will help put things in hard-to-reach places.

Ford Model History

Ford Mustang

"Ford," whose old models are stillsupported and in demand, in 1962 created the first prototype Mustang. He represented the roadster, which had the characteristic features of sports cars. However, this solution for the car did not attract attention from potential buyers, so the first release did not give any result, and remained unclaimed. Because of this, the concept of the car changes, and it turns into a five-seater compartment.

The modern name for the model did not appear immediately. Initially, it was developed under the working title Special Falcon, and only a few years later was given the option of the Ford Mustang.

American models of Ford

Ford GT

The car was produced from 2003 to 2006.He was originally a concept car, recalling his predecessors - Mustang and Thunderbird. In due time this car was often confused with GT40, because the design of both models is similar. In 2012, a limited version of the car was released.

Ford Old Models

Ford Aerostar

Под таким названием Ford Aerostar был выпущен the company's first minivan. The appearance took place in 1986. In the United States of America this model is one of the most popular. This car was created as a family transport. It accommodates 7 passengers. Comfort and safety at a high level, which was repeatedly confirmed by specialists. In 1997, the car was removed from production.

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