Hippocrates called this disease "sacredillness, "since many believed that people suffering from epileptic disorders have supernatural abilities. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological and chronic diseases. It is a rather serious social and medical problem.
Usually the disease is accompanied by recurrentseizures that occur periodically, and sometimes suddenly. Treatment of epilepsy in Israel today is recognized worldwide as the most effective, since it is there that has the most modern medical equipment. In addition, only high-level specialists work in the clinics of this country. Also, we note that surgical treatment of epilepsy is most effective in children.
Treatment of epilepsy in Israel: methods and technology
During treatment, the patient is prescribed a drugtherapy. The purpose of special drugs depends entirely on the form of the disease, the features of its course, the age of the patient, and other important factors. Therefore, the treatment of epilepsy in children can begin only after undergoing repeated procedures that help to establish the correct diagnosis.
As a rule, start drug therapyIsraeli doctors recommend after the second attack, but in some cases it is prescribed after the first manifestation of the disease. It has long been known that the world leader of medicine is Israel. Here the treatment of epilepsy occurs with the mandatory application of the most effective drugs. Although they cause various side effects, they still help the patient cope with the disease. In order not to harm the health, but, on the contrary, cure the patient, physicians of Israel prescribe small doses of such drugs for a start, and after a few days they check the concentration of the substance in the body and examine the patient's condition. After the examinations, necessary changes are made to the list of medicines.
Specialists also recommend to their patientsstop taking medications no earlier than 5 years after the last attack of epilepsy. This happens if the patient is an adult. If epilepsy is observed in a child, drug treatment should not exceed 2 years after the last seizure.
As an additional therapy for childrenepilepsy can be applied ketogenic diet, which involves an increase in consumed fats simultaneously with a decrease in carbohydrates. Israeli eleptologists note that this diet is especially effective in patients aged no more than 12 years. The results of this method of treatment are stunning: attention is increased and memory is improved.
Treatment of epilepsy in Israel also consists ofdifferent types of surgical intervention. Assign them in no more than 30% of cases: when a secondary disease occurs, as well as with ineffective drug therapy.
Surgical treatment of epilepsy in Israelconsists in the removal of neoplasms, which provoked the development of the disease, in the complete removal of a specific epileptogenic focus and in the stimulation of the vagus nerve. All these three types of operations are aimed at preventing the spread of pathology and even the complete removal of the center of the onset of epilepsy.
It should also be said about the latest treatment technology.epilepsy in Israel, which is called the “method of deep brain stimulation” (DBS). This technology consists of implanting electrodes into the deep layers of the brain to stimulate neurons that are located in the epileptic focus. It often leads to a complete cessation of seizures. Today, DBS is so effective that in most cases it gives a complete recovery to a patient of any age.