/ / Immunomodulators. Polyoxidonium (candles)

Immunomodulators. Polyoxidonium (candles)

The drug Polyoxidonium (candles) is referred to as highly effective immunomodulators. In the form of suppositories, the medication is the most convenient and fast-acting.

Polyoxidonium (candles) for children is used inperiod of viral diseases to enhance immunity (for preventive purposes). The medication is also prescribed for a disease that has already arisen. In such cases, Polyoxidonium (candles) promotes the rapid recovery of the body, increasing its resistance to pathogenic microorganisms and preserving this ability in the future.

According to some experts, the medicine can be used together with any therapy. This, in turn, makes it possible to use Polyoxidonium (candles) in the treatment of ailments of various etiologies.

According to the instructions to the drug, it does not have mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic or allergic effects.

As practice shows, when usingmeans Polyoxidonium (candles), there are practically no side effects. Along with this, there is a significant acceleration of activation of immunity. This helps to increase the body's resistance and eliminate infection in a shorter period than usual.

The effectiveness of the preparation Polyoxidonium (candles)For children, the feedback from most parents is very positive. Much attention is paid to the possibility of reducing the use of medications during the treatment period, as well as the ability of the drug components to combine toxins, removing them from the body. Thus, the harmful effect of medications is reduced.

Given the maximum safety and higheffectiveness of the drug can be used in children from six months of age. However, one should not forget that Polyoxidonium is a potent drug, therefore its appointment should be accompanied by medical supervision. The drug is prescribed taking into account the nature of the disease, its duration, as well as the characteristics of the body. Before the appointment of a remedy, a doctor should be examined.

The composition of the drug includes polyoxidonium(active ingredient), as well as povidone, mannitol, beta-carotene (excipients). Cocoa butter is used as the basis for obtaining the suppository.

At the heart of the mechanism of immunomodulatingThe effect of polyoxidonium is a direct effect on natural killers and phagocytic cells, stimulation of antibody formation. The drug has a restorative effect aimed at immune responses in cases of secondary immunodeficiency states, which can be caused by infections, burns, trauma, malignant neoplasms. The medication is widely used to prevent complications after surgical interventions, use of chemotherapy.

The drug has a pronounced detoxificationeffect, increases the resistance of cellular membranes to the cytotoxic effects of drugs and chemicals, reducing their toxicity. These properties are due to the high molecular weight nature and structure of Polyoxidonium.

The preparation in the form of suppositories has a high bioavailability (up to 70%). The maximum concentration in the blood is achieved after an hour.

In view of the lack of clinical experience of hisuse of women in prenatal period, it is not recommended to use candles for pregnant women. Contraindicated tool and if there is increased sensitivity to the effects of components. With special care, medication is prescribed for persons with renal insufficiency.

Introduction of suppositories to adults is madeintravaginal or rectal. Rectal administration is performed once a day on the suppository after bowel movement. Intravaginal injection is carried out in the supine position in the vagina at night once a day. For children older than six years, the dosage is 0.20-0.25 mg / kg body weight. Children receive suppositories rectally.

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