/ / Vetclinik "Noah's Ark", Kirov: description, features, services and reviews

Veterinary clinic "Noah's Ark", Kirov: description, features, services and reviews

Vetclinik "Noah's Ark" in Kirov provides 24-hour medical assistance to animals. It employs a team of professionals who are dedicated to their cause.

Where is and how it works

Vetclinik "Noah's Ark" in Kirov has two branches. One of them is located on the street. Vorovsky, 135. Entrance to the institution - from the butt. Address of another branch: Oktyabrsky prospect, 93 (ground floor).

Noah's Ark Veterinary Clinic Kirov

Vetklinika has a very convenient schedule of work. The branch on Oktyabrsky avenue accepts clients every day without days off. The branch operates around the clock, it houses a hospital for animals.

Vetklinik "Noah's Ark" on Voronovsky works from 8:00 to 21:00. On holidays the branch with a hospital accepts customers with animals in the usual way.

About the clinic

Компания максимально расширяет список услуг по treatment and maintenance of animals. Equipment in the Noah's Ark clinic in Kirov is updated regularly. Employees constantly undergo refresher courses and follow all the novelties in veterinary medicine.

The clinic also provides services forbehavioral problems in domestic animals. For breeders who often go on business trips or on vacations, it is possible to leave their pets for the necessary time in the hotel at the clinic.

Veterinary clinic Noah's Ark Kirov

Here animals will be provided with timelyfood, paddock and comfortable living conditions. Experienced specialists at this time constantly monitor the health of the animal, not only physically, but also emotionally.


On the basis of the Noah's Ark clinic in Kirovmodern laboratories are working and all the necessary equipment for setting the right diagnosis is collected. Veterinarians start treatment only after a complete examination, if the situation is not critical and does not require urgent measures or surgical intervention.

Diagnosis is based on:

  • analyzes of blood, urine, feces, sweat secretions;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • X-ray;
  • Express diagnostics for infectious diseases;
  • biopsy;
  • skin tests.

time of operation of the Veterinary Clinic Noah's Ark Kirov

Analyzes receive and process their own laboratory, equipped with modern equipment. Results can be obtained in a few hours.

Treatment of animals

Veterinary Center "Noah's Ark" takes onwork only experienced professionals. It may be young doctors, but "fans" of their case. Doctors regularly go to conferences for veterinarians, held on the territory of the country and beyond.

All employees of the clinic are very careful aboutpatients and their hosts. Staying in an institution does not cause discomfort, visitors feel calm and confident in any situation regarding the health of pets.

wind farm Noah's Ark

The network of veterinary clinics "Noah's Ark" in Kirov at its base conducts treatment of cases of varying complexity:

  • surgical intervention;
  • plastic surgery;
  • sterilization and castration;
  • dental procedures;
  • Caesarean section and natural delivery;
  • hospital treatment;
  • preventive examinations;
  • consultations.

When you receive injuries or poisoning animals are immediately available at any time of the day. If necessary, additional doctors are called, even if they are not on duty at this time.

Prevention of diseases

Vetcenter "Noah's Ark" is actively working on activities that prevent the emergence of health problems in animals. Preventive measures should be carried out by the owners regularly:

  • vaccination of animals with domestic and imported drugs;
  • treatment for ticks, fleas;
  • deworming;
  • contraception.

These actions are aimed at improving the quality of life of animals and protection from dangerous diseases.

An annual vaccination of pets against rabies is mandatory. Thus, both the animal and the host will be protected.

Services of narrow specialists

The clinic employs doctors who diagnose and professionally treat individual systems of animal organs. Help with various complaints can:

  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • oncologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • dermatologist;
  • reproductologist;
  • zoopsychologist.

Noah's Ark Kirov network of veterinary clinics

With chronic diseases they will be able toto cope with the help of modern equipment and existing knowledge. Often serious pathologies may not be accompanied by a marked symptomatology. The animal will gradually fade away for no apparent reason. In such situations, a thorough examination and proper appointment of treatment by narrow specialists is necessary.

Often these doctors timely stop the development of the disease in the animal, thereby prolonging their life.


There are times when a family pet is seriously ill or injured. Then urgent help and intravenous drug administration is needed. Such manipulations should be conducted under the supervision of physicians.

Treatment is often prescribed for a certain period, and it is inconvenient for owners to carry their animals to the procedures because of their employment at work. Or the patient's condition does not allow him to move.

Noah's Ark Kirov Veterinary Center

Для таких случаев создан стационар.The work time of the Noah's Ark clinic in Kirov allows to help patients at any time of the day. Also, the treatment of animals can occur daily on the basis of the institution.

The clinic has special places inhospital for sick animals. They are monitored around the clock by specialists. Medicines are introduced through the most modern infusomats, which measure the amount of the drug to the drop.

Depending on the severity of the condition of the animal ina separate package of services is provided to the hospital. So, here the owners can bring the pet only for the duration of the procedures during the day hours. Such a package of services includes monitoring of all life indicators of the patient, the implementation of prescribed procedures, the injection of injections or droppers. If the animal's condition allows, then it will be carried out.

In the event that a severely injured patient is brought, he may be provided with a package of services, which will include:

  • continuous supervision of an assistant or a doctor;
  • constant monitoring of the patient's condition;
  • the product of the necessary manipulations.

In this case, the clinic provides all supplies. The owner of the animal pays separately only the package of services provided and medicines.

В здании находится ветаптека.In it you can buy the necessary medicine or an accessory for the animal. There is also a very large selection of feeds. Experts can always advise and tell useful information about the right product.

Vetclinic in Kirov "Noah's Ark": reviews

On the work of the institution on different Internet resources a lot of feedback. Most often, customers are satisfied with the service and professionalism of doctors. The clinic is always clean and there are no extraneous odors.

Owners of their favorites on the positive sidenote the convenient schedule of the institution. Often an animal becomes ill at night. In this case, you do not have to wait in the morning, but you can help the pet immediately. The clinic is on duty around the clock specialists.

Very many are satisfied with the availability of a hospital.Thus, being at work, the owners can not worry for their sick pet. They know that animals are in safe hands and undergo the necessary medical procedures under the supervision of doctors.

Noah's Ark Veterinary Clinic Kirov reviews

In the clinic, the animal can be hygienicprocedures. Not everyone knows how to properly clean the dog or cat ears and teeth at home. Here, according to visitors' reviews, such procedures are carried out quickly and efficiently.

In the "Noah's Ark" they always greet customers kindly, they find an approach to the most nurtured pet, which positively affects the assessment of the veterinary institution by visitors.

There are negative reviews about the highcost of service in comparison with similar institutions. The price is quite justified, since the Noah's Ark (Kirov) clinic provides high-quality services, the work is carried out on modern equipment by experienced specialists.

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