/ / Nervous system

Nervous system

The nervous system is a complex of anatomicalstructures involved in the provision of individual adaptation of the organism to external factors and the regulation of the functioning of individual tissues and organs. Thus, along with the endocrine glands, it is considered the main coordinating and integrating device. In this case, on the one hand, the integrity of the organism is ensured, and on the other hand, its behavior adequate to the external environment.

The nervous system includes the dorsal, the headbrain, knots, plexus and other formations formed from nervous tissue. It has the ability to excite in response to external or internal stimulation, to conduct a reaction in the form of a pulse to the corresponding centers for analysis, and to transmit the back pulse generated in it.

The brain is located inside the skull and includes the large hemispheres, the medulla oblongata, the trunk and the cerebellum.

On the vertebral column is a distributivenetwork of the central nervous system. The nerves that form the nervous peripheral system leave the spinal cord. In it, the bundles (groups of fibers) transmit impulses. Peripheral nerves, sending sensations in the central nervous system, are called ascending. Descending fibers bring impulses from the centers to all parts of the body.

The nervous system is classified:

1. Depending on the mode of communication, such as:

  • reflex regulation;
  • neurohumoral regulation.

2. By type of management and conditions of formation on:

  • higher activity;
  • inferior activity.

3. Depending on localization, such as:

  • central;
  • peripheral.

4. By functional affiliation to:

  • vegetative;
  • somatic;
  • sympathetic;
  • parasympathetic.

The central nervous system includes departments that run insidevertebral column or skull. Its first major part is the brain, the second - the dorsal. The nerves come out of the central nervous system and enter into it. Lying outside the spine or skull, they form a peripheral system. Some of its components are very remotely connected with the central nervous network. According to a number of scientists, they are able to function with sufficiently limited control of the central nervous system. Similar components, working, apparently, autonomously, form a vegetative system. This network is responsible for regulating the state of the internal environment, controlling cardiac work, the functioning of blood vessels, lungs and other organs.

Own autonomic nervous system is present in the digestive tract. It consists of diffuse networks.

The human body, in most cases, has mixednerves containing motor and sensitive fibers. Therefore, as a rule, with a nervous lesion, there is a combination of sensory and motor disorders.

Regular stress negatively affects a person's condition. He becomes irritable, depressed, and prolonged sleep does not bring relief and does not relieve fatigue.

The easiest way, how to calm a nervouspositive thinking is considered. As you know, dark thoughts destroy the moral state of a person. Experts advise also to think more often about achievements than about lesions, to visit places that bring comfort. In addition, it is recommended to avoid contact with people who are not balanced enough.

Maintain and protect the mental statewill help and vitamins for the nervous system (group B). Sedative action has and dietotherapy. From the diet exclude hot, fatty, fried foods and drinks that exert a stimulating effect on the body (coffee, alcohol, strong tea). Not recommended are rich, strong soups, smoked products, seasonings. Mandatory is the restriction of meat and salt.

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