/ How many children should sleep in 9 months: the norm, recommendations and reviews

How many children should sleep in 9 months: the norm, recommendations and reviews

Strong baby sleep is considered the most basichealth indicator. In infancy, everything is simple enough: the baby sleeps until he gets hungry. If, after feeding, the baby has not fallen asleep, it is a signal that something went wrong. At the same time, there can be many reasons for this, starting with health problems and ending with the inconvenience in your own bed. Many are wondering what the length of sleep of babies is up to 9 months and how many children should sleep at 9 months, and this is what we will discuss further.

Features of a child's sleep

The more a child grows, the longer heawake, but at the same time healthy children should not constantly yell and scream. In the case of such games, the child may have health problems that constantly worry him, or he does not like the place where he spends his time. Basically, the baby had a corner from birth, namely the nursery. If there is no possibility to separate the nursery from the parental room, it is necessary to observe certain requirements that will help not to think about the problems with sleep and about how much the child should sleep in 9 months.

How many children need to sleep in 9 months

In the room where there is any crumb, shouldbe the air temperature is not more than 20 degrees, respectively, it is better cooler than too hot. Doctors convince that it is better to dress the baby more warmly than to dry the air. Also in the room it is undesirable to install soft toys, carpets, upholstered furniture and other items that accumulate dust and are difficult to wet.

Strongly on a child's sleep affects the crib. That's why preference is given to give wooden furniture. The filling should be a smooth and firm mattress without a pillow.

Remember that it is not necessary to wake a child, especially too small, when he is about to wake up. After a healthy sleep is much more important than any other occupation.

Normal sleep

All mothers remember that the baby is necessaryeat, move a lot, personal hygiene is important. Many people are concerned about the question of sleep and its norms, but the question of how many children should sleep in 9 months, really want to answer: as much as they want and need. It can not be said that at this age the baby should sleep 13 hours. Dream children - the process of rest, which means that the baby will go to bed only if he is tired and wants to rest.

how much should a child sleep in 9 months

But, of course, a good mom kids want to knowapproximate time of sleep, laid at a certain age, and imagine how many times a child must sleep in 9 months. Today, strangely enough, no book for young parents is complete without specifying specific standards. It can not be said that mathematical calculations in this matter are correct, but they can be used as approximate indicators.

How much should a child sleep 9 months in the daytime and at night? And the sleep time of children of other ages

As already mentioned, we can not say specifically,how many children need to sleep in 9 months, because this indicator for each individual. The older the children, the less their sleep lasts. Infants can sleep all the time, about 15 hours are needed for babies about a year, kids from 3 to 5 years get enough sleep for 13 hours, schoolchildren have 10-11 hours, 14-17 years and 9 hours, and an adult - 7 hours of sleep per night .

how much should a child sleep 9 months in the afternoon
Next, we will talk about the norm of sleep of children from 0 to 10 years. And, of course, we will touch upon the question of how much the child should sleep in 9-10 months.


A dream in the afternoon

Sleep at night

Together in a day

Since birth

1-3 hours at intervals for food

5-6 hours without a break. Ideally 1-3 with meals

16-20 hours

0t 1 to 3 months

Up to 5 times a day

Total time - 5-7 hours

8-11 hours

14-17 hours

3 to 5 months

Up to 4 times

4-6 hours

10-12 hours

14-17 hours

5 to 8 months

Up to 3 times

2-4 hours

10-12 hours

13-15 hours

From 8 to 11 months

2 times

2-3 hours

10-12 hours

12-15 hours

1-1,5 years

Up to 2 times

2-3 hours

10-12 hours

12-14 hours

2 years

1-3 hours once a day

10-11 hours

11-14 hours

3 years

1-2 hours once a day. Possible lack of sleep

10-11 (11-13) hours

11-13 hours

4-7 years

1-2 hours. Possible complete absence of daytime sleep

9-11 (10-13) hours

10-13 hours


Sleep is absent

9-11 hours

9-11 hours

For what a child rest?

The above norms are onlymean values ​​collected during the study of childhood sleep. It can not be said that it is worthwhile to adjust the child to this designated framework. To understand what time is necessary for a child to sleep, we will consider why this is necessary.

Why should a child sleep:

  • Sleep helps to avoid overwork. During sleep, the baby does not accumulate fatigue.
  • In a dream, there is a development of the child's brain, growth and a kind of recharging of other organs of the child's body.
  • After a sleep, the child wakes up in a good mood.

how many times must a child sleep in 9 months

Remember:it does not matter how long your baby sleeps, because the main indicator of the health and sufficiency of sleep is his smile after awakening. It does not matter that the baby does not sleep enough at the specified rates. If he feels well, enjoys life and has fun, then this is his necessary norm.

Causes of sleeping problems

Having received an answer to the question of how many children should sleep at 9 months, many parents begin to look with horror at the reason why their baby sleeps less than normal and what to do about it. About everything in order.

We all know that both in the adult and in thechildren's sleep, especially its quality and duration, can affect several different factors, both physical and psychological. Do not raise the alarm if the child sleeps less than the stated rate, when he wakes up active, alert and feels great. This means that it has its rhythm and routine.

To the causes of violation of children's sleep can be attributedindividuality of biorhythms, weather conditions, well-being and even a wrong way of life. So the more a child walks, moves and does physical exercises, the faster and stronger he falls asleep. But the excessive emotional burden of the child's body will lead to unwillingness to sleep.

Frequent problems with sleep disorders are:

  • The child wakes up from thirst.
  • Crunching with teeth.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Fears.

We struggle with unwillingness to sleep. Reviews

If the child does not want to sleep, then it is not exhausted enough. To increase fatigue, it is necessary to increase the physical load of crumbs.

Immediately before bed, about half an hour, you need to stop the emotional load. Many parents say that children should calm down and relax, so that a desire to have a rest appears.

how much should a child sleep in 9 10 months

And the last, but the main problem of parents is that they find the problem where it simply does not exist. It is impossible to make a baby fall asleep when you want it.

Following such easy advice, many parentshealthy children argue that really, the more a child is busy throughout the day, the faster he is exhausted and, accordingly, he sleeps hard and long.

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