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Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Calcium is one of the most important chemicalelements that are necessary for our body. The need for calcium is at any age, without it, the bones become brittle and brittle. However, it is especially important to take it during pregnancy - in fact at this time all organs, bones, teeth of the child are laid and formed. Of course, nature has provided that the baby took all the necessary from the mother's body, so the lack of calcium in the body on it does not affect. But the pregnant woman will fully experience its deficiency - hair will begin to fall out, teeth will crumble, in which as if by the stroke of a magic wand new and new holes appear. Therefore, calcium preparations, for example, must be drunk during this wonderful and important period.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed for pregnant women

It includes calcium and vitamin D3.The drug fills the lack of calcium in the body and normalizes the phosphorus-calcium metabolism. It also affects the processes of blood clotting and transmission of nerve impulses, participates in the processes of bone formation, mineralization of bones and teeth. Included in the vitamin D3 contributes to the complete absorption of calcium in the body.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed, indications

Taking the drug is recommended as prevention and treatment of vitamin D and calcium deficiency, as well as prevention of osteoporosis.

How to take Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Adolescents (over twelve) and adults inAs a preventive measure, take one tablet from one to three times a day, chewing it or squeezing it with water. The intake of the drug does not depend on the time of day and on the intake of food. Children younger than 12, but older than five can take 1 tablet once or twice a day.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed, contraindications and overdose

Contraindications for the application of thisdrug is a number of diseases: sarcoidosis, urolithiasis in which calcium calculi are formed, phenylketonuria, marked renal failure. Contraindication for use is an excess of calcium in urine and blood plasma, as well as hypovitaminosis of vitamin D3. It should be used with caution elderly people, as well as young children under five.

Before taking the drug should take into account the total amount of calcium and vitamin D3, coming from other sources, including food

The combination of laxative drugs and corticosteroids with this drug reduces the absorption of calcium in the body, and barbiturates and phenytoin affect the pharmacological properties of vitamin D3.

When taking tetracycline antibioticsYou need to take calcium tablets no earlier than three hours after taking antibiotics. The gap in time when taking calcium preparations D3 and bisphosphonates or sodium fluoride should be at least two hours.

Thiazide diuretics delay calcium inbody, and loop - accelerate its excretion. If you have to combine the use of diuretics with this drug, you should monitor the level of calcium in the blood plasma.

When an overdose of the drug "Calcium-D3 Nycomed"or prolonged use, there may be weakness, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting - symptoms that may indicate the development of hypercalcemia. It is also possible hypercalciuria and an increase in the level of creatinine in the blood. In severe cases - coma, kidney damage.

When an overdose is prescribed diet with a low calcium content, the elimination of the calcium preparation, copious drinking. In severe cases, special therapy is provided.

Store it in a place inaccessible to sunlight. The acceptable storage temperature range is fifteen to twenty-five degrees.

Duration of storage from the date of manufacture is three years.

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