/ / "Xalcory" (cryotinib): analogues, price. Where to Buy Xalcorie Cheaper

"Ksalcory" (krizotinib): analogues, price. Where to Buy Xalcorie Cheaper

"Xalcory" (the main active substance - krizotinib) belongs to the group of protein kinase inhibitors. Indications for use are widespread non-small cell lung cancer.

Patients and oncologists note that thethe drug is highly effective. It allows to slow down the growth of the tumor, and when it is taken, the patient's well-being significantly improves. But the drug has a minus - a high cost. The capsules of "Xalcory" price in pharmacies in Moscow can reach 200,000-275,000 rubles. This means, despite the high efficiency, not all patients can accept for understandable reasons. However, "Xalcory" has a generic, and it is several times cheaper. Without a doubt, this news gives hope to many patients with lung cancer.

Description of the generic drug

Let's examine what generics are. This is the name of preparations made with the same formula as expensive original medicines, and having the same high efficiency.

But why are generic drugs cheaper?The answer is simple: in production, the issuing company uses the already prepared formula and focuses on the results of clinical trials already conducted. In addition, there is no need to deploy an advertising campaign, and this significantly reduces the cost of production. Thus, a medicinal product that is vitally important for many patients becomes available.

Where to buy Xalcorie is cheaper

If you were assigned to the drug in question, pay attention to the Internet resource WWW.ONKO24.COM. Here you can order "Ksalcory" directly from India, the price will be much lower than the cost of the original German drug.


However, pay attention to the important point: the order can be made only if there are documents confirming the need to use the medicine. Therefore, prepare the prescription from the doctor in advance.

Xalcorie: instructions for use

The drug should be taken twice a day. The recommended dosage is 250 mg per application, however, if necessary, it can be adjusted by the attending physician.

Capsules are taken orally, always with plenty of water. It is not necessary to focus on meals when using the product.

The use of "Xalcorie" treatment involves a long. Take capsules should be as long as they have an effect.

Possible adverse reactions

When using the drug "Xalcory" the following undesirable reactions are possible:

  • nausea, which results in vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bradycardia;
  • upper respiratory tract infection;
  • visual impairment;
  • rash;
  • pain in the joints.

List of contraindications

"Xalcorie" is not assigned to the following categories of patients;

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • having individual intolerance to cryotinib;
  • those with impaired renal and hepatic function;
  • use inhibitors or inducers of CYP3A isoenzyme.

The drug should be prescribed only by an experienced oncologist who must monitor the patient's condition during therapy.

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