For each owner of the infieldTo save the harvest from pests and unfavorable weather conditions is the main task of the season. Various herbicides come to the aid of agriculture. Some of their species are universal, successfully used for a wide range of weeds, others - selective action. One of them will be discussed.
Description of the preparation
The herbicide "Lazurite" is called.Its main purpose - the destruction of annual weeds, which usually grow between crops of potatoes and tomatoes. The main object of destruction by the drug - spurge, sow, thistle, bluegrass and other cereals and dicots annual. Thanks to the ability to penetrate into plants not only through the root system, but also leaves, the herbicide "Lazurite" allows us to comprehensively influence the weeds, scrubbing well the areas with cultivated crops. Another plus of the drug is the duration of exposure. This means that after one spraying the green pests, having perished, do not bother with their new appearance for a long time. In other words, the herbicide "Lazurite" is a means of a wide range, exerting a destructive effect on harmful cultures both before their emergence, so already and after. The amount of chemical can be dosed depending on the degree of soil contamination and the size of farmland.
The active substance and mechanisms of struggle
Herbicide "Lazurite" is apulverulent mass. The main active ingredient is metribuzin. Its concentration is quite strong - 700 grams per 1 kg of the drug. For soil treatment, the product should be diluted with water. Getting to the ground, the solution is absorbed by the weeds through the roots, as well as by spraying the shoots through the leaves. It destroys plants even before germination, during the growing season. If sow, bodjaga and other pests had time to fill the site, then the chemical will deal with them in about 2 weeks. "Lazurite", like other herbicides of selective action, protects cultural crops for a period of 30 to 60 days. The duration of the drug depends primarily on the weather. Naturally, if it is dry, the remedy in the soil and on the surface of the leaves persists longer (2 months). With increased humidity and dampness, it will be necessary to repeat the treatment more often (in a month). Secondly, the degree of contamination of the earth and those specific types of weeds that it occupied.
Spectrum of exposure and instruction for use
On "Lazurite", as well as other herbicides, the price is notis too high. It ranges from 50 to 120 rubles per bag weighing 10 kg (powder) or concentrated liquid (cans of 5 liters). Therefore, the drug is beneficial to use as for large farms, but for small areas. Shelf life - 3 years. The most susceptible to it are weeds such as quinoa, chicken millet, cornflower, icteric, rape, paslin, datura, mountaineer, portalak, chamomile and many others. Of course, most of these herbs are considered medicinal, successfully used in pharmaceutics. But in the fields and vegetable gardens they cause a great damage, and this should be taken into account. With regard to the use of "Lazurite" - it can be combined with other herbicides, in turn, dissolving them in a spray tank. Consumption rates depend on what vegetable culture is saved from weeds, and make up from half a kilogram to one and a half per hectare for potatoes at different stages of germination and growth; from 1 kg 400 g to 0.5 kg per hectare for tomatoes; from 0.5 kg to the whole for soy and maize.
A remedy for weeds "Lazurite" is produced by the Russian firm August.