/ / Why is itching of the genitals?

Why there is itching of the genitals

Itching of the external genitalia is a frequent and rather unpleasant phenomenon. It occurs more often in women, and there are many reasons for this.

Itching of the genital organs in women

To cause unpleasant sensations of itching can diseases of the genitourinary system, irritation of the mucosa due to secretions from the vagina or uterus, getting urine, etc.

Diseases of the endocrine system can also cause discomfort. This, for example, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, blood ailments.

itching of the genitals

Ну и, конечно, нервы.Various stressful situations, fear, experiences, family squabbles can cause itching. It is not excluded the impact of an external factor, such as: allergen, cold, mechanical or chemical irritation, infection, poor hygiene.

Зуд половых орган у женщин довольно часто occurs due to diseases such as thrush (candidiasis) or vulvovaginitis. Most often this applies to young girls. After 40 years, the cause should be sought already in pathologies of internal organs, all kinds of chronic diseases. But in the menopause he appears due to a shortage of female sex hormones.

Itching of the genital organs in women by nature canbe different: permanent or periodic, intense, painful, barely noticeable ... Usually the discomfort to night increases. Often the itching causes the woman to itch, which provokes mucosal trauma and subsequent inflammation, which further aggravates discomfort.

Itching, burning of the genitals in men

itching of the vulva

Men like this incident is almost not familiar. Those rare itch cases that happen, can have the following nature of origin:

- Prostatitis.
- Vesiculitis.
Candidiasis of the head of the penis.
- Poor hygiene.
- Allergic reaction to creams, ointments, contraceptive partners.

Itching and burning of the genitals: treatment

Of course, the incessant itching, burning, discomfortin the genital area require consultation with a gynecologist or with such specialists as a urologist or dermatologist. Probably, for the exact diagnosis it is necessary to visit or attend the endocrinologist, infektsionista, the psychiatrist and t. Item

Зуд половых орган лечение предполагает complex, aimed at combating the root cause. For example, candidiasis is treated with the removal of local inflammation. If it is not possible to establish the cause, then women's hormones are administered with menopause, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving with diabetes, blockade from novocaine.

itching and burning of the genitals

Locally, you can use chamomile baths,ointments or creams with anesthetic properties and with the content of male and female hormones. You should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and wash more often.

In men, the fight against genital itching shouldbegin with the treatment of prostatitis, if it is the cause. Take medication to relieve inflammation from the glans penis should only be prescribed by a doctor. If the allergy is the culprit of itching, then antihistamines should be used. It is necessary not to forget to keep your own body clean, start eating, excluding foods that contribute to such a problem, quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol. Such measures will restore immunity, and it plays a great role in human life!

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